I guess it mainly depends on whether you dig Shakespeare. I personally adore Shakespeare. The poetry, the insults, the tragedies, the comedies, the conspiracy theories, all of it. Can you find a single more important literary figure that has influenced more of how we write, think, dream, than Shakespeare? I dare you to even try.
I think that game development is so much more accessible now than it used to be. This presents a lot more opportunities for developers, but that is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. Because anybody can make a game, there is a lot more competition, and thus it is a lot harder to get noticed.
Who knew North Carolina even had roller coasters?!? I assumed it was all hay rides and tractor bogs out there. Well this little video cured me of that little misimpression right away.
Greatest Regatta Event Ever This is possibly the most amazing pile of chaos ever pulled together in a single event....
Thank you. I really appreciate you saying that because most of my “backgounds” are conceptions. It’s my way of taking a break from the regimen of tight painting. Many of those backgrounds are applied with palette knife, scraped and reapplied. Usually a few layers deep. I work off instinct and my mind rather than what is in front of me.
This is an amazingly well conceived and executed short film, with a great idea, and stupendous ending. I didn't think animated films were even morally capable of this sort of an ending.
German street artist 1010, over the last year or so, has been creating some really uber spray paint windows into alternate universes. These large holes are bored into locations as far flung as Germany, Panama, and the United States. 1010 artistic style is simple, and yet it brings a pretty amazing effect once complete.
I've tried watching this twice all the way through, but each time I was "working" and I was laughing way way too hard to finish it. Patrick Warburton just slays me every time I see his face. And to have him play this part, he just nails it. Highly recommend this little short sketch of a film. I promise you will recognize every single one of the clichés. Promise.
Induction Puzzle Platformer Time Travel Fun I just caught wind of an awesome new game under development. At PAX East...
Oh wow. Take two guys in wingsuits. Pop one flare each. Toss them off a mountain at night. Take one long exposure shot? And this is apparently what you get! Amazing really. What's even better than the amazing photo? The making of video. Check it out here...
Time Mining Your Writing With Draftback I recently stumbled across the Chrome Plugin called Draftback and it is something of...
The ‘Royal Beasts’ commission at the Tower of London was an open competition. I made initial concept drawings with examples of my work , was shortlisted and then pitched for the project. The Tower of London, as you say, is an extraordinarily special place and I was thrilled to be selected.
Lately I've taken a shining to short films. I love the big ideas of them wrapped in bitesized packages. They've really been fun to dig into and digest.
How should we presume? Beneath the music, the voices and the murmurs, and the piles of coffee spoons, evenings and afternoons? Just so much goodness there in one stanza. So, to you Mr. Eliot, thank you for bringing Love Song into being. A poem that has captured the desire and longings of a generation. No, not of a generation, but of an entire civilization. Happy 100th birthday to the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock!
So, if you are about to try and beat me to the punch, here are a few key details about the dive. The castle resides near Paris. (Total drag that.) The run down shack sits on 44 acres of land. (Hardly enough for even a dog, let alone a dragon.) It was built in 1504, which basically means all the warranties have long since turned to dust.