Magically Annoying Magic Trick - Awesomeness. These two guys are my new heroes. Two guys, perpetrate their magic trick and leave. Over. And over. And over again. Fantastic.
Doodling is a Morning Shower Equivalent - A week or two ago I spent tons of hours in phone interviews and while deep in conversation I found myself doodling. And yet, hiring employees is THE MOST important thing I do at work. Literally nothing that I do is more important. Its just the most synergistically enabling thing possible right? But if I hire the wrong person - it could be the entropy enabling thing that I could do, right?
Random Thoughts On the Gone Girl Movie - Random Thoughts On the Gone Girl Movie - The latest Gone Girl trailer and the resultant churn around it has been really fascinating to me. "OH MY GOSH - Did Ben Affleck's new role kill his wife?!", "He's being investigated for murder?!", "Why'd he take this role?", "Should I read the book and ruin the movie?", "I can't wait!". Etc, etc. Really makes me chuckle. What they don't realize is that Gillian Flynn re-wrote a different ending from the book for the screenplay. Did you catch that? The movie ends differently than the book. Hard stop. For those of you who haven't read the book... that is the end of this blog post for you. Thanks for swinging by. I'm diving into spoilers for you - ie, I'm going down a layer. Go away already.
Amazon Customer Service Epicness - This definitely made my day. Great job @Amazon. Well played all around. My job of spreading happiness and joy is complete. (This came from a Reddit thread... )
Ridley Scott The Martian Blade Runner 2 and Prometheus 2 - But now Ridley has his hands full with three new enormous movies under his purview. The are two that I am incredibly excited about. The first one (not in any particular order) is The Martian. The Martian is a brilliant Robinson Crusoe type of story with a man that is accidentally abandoned on Mars by himself. The book was written by Andy Weir. The Martian was unlike any book I had ever read before. I kept expecting it to be something completely different than it was. And it continued to surprise me time after time. Just a fantastic and clever book end to end.
Shepard Fairey Murals the Country - Shepard Fairey, the artist best known in popular culture for his HOPE graphic of Obama, has spent the last two months putting up murals around the country. Before his Obama portrait Fairey was better known in the art world for his Obey Giant street art that centered on a portrait of Andre the Giant. Shepard has been using his distinctive style to hit some really enormous swatches of wall in five different major metropolitan areas of the country. Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, South Carolina, & New York were all hit with Fairey's amazing propoganda and Obey artistic style. Here are a couple a shots from the country-wide tour.
Automata Movie Dystopian Glory - Automata totally looks like an even better Blade Runner dystopia than Blade Runner 2 could ever be. It looks really tight. Very interested. And the plot looks fantastic as well. Not sure about having Puss and Boots, Antonio Banderas play the lead. But he used to be a huge box draw. No? Eh. What worries me though is Melanie Griffith. Did you see her in that trailer? Oh my holy botox backlash Batman. What went wrong there? Sheesh. Eventually actors and actresses are going to realize that its just better to sag than stay frightfully and unnaturally taught their entire lives. Just say no to cosmetic surgery folks.
Banksy In New York Book Available - “Banksy in New York” by writer and photographer Ray Mock is the ultimate companion to Banksy’s month-long project on the streets of New York in October, 2013.
So there is a Kickstarter from heaven happening right now. A Steampunk download speed gauge from heaven. Support this Kickstarter and assemble your own. He'll even build it for you depending on your support level. But it actually looks like a fun kit to build to me.
Nina Lindgren and her Cardboard Cities - Nina Lindgren has a simple style that evokes a childlike perfection to it. She is an emerging artist that works the holy trifecta of illustration, photography and printmaking. And now she has taken a dip into the world of architecture with her latest creations of cardboard box cities. Nina has been crafting a series of geometric cardboard houses that blow the door off of anything I've ever seen before.
New El Mac Mural is Genius - This mural was the result of an invitation from Eventscape Inc to paint 1500 sq. ft exterior piece adjacent to the Gardiner Expressway in Toronto, Canada. El Mac has a signature striation shading technique that instantly makes his work recognizable even to the uninitiated.
The Great American Ennui - I'll come in again. Robin Williams.
I've been thinking about him, his death, and this issue since I inadvertently Chromecast his suicide into my living room a week or so ago. Remove the celebrity from this situation - which is obviously impossible to do - and there will be around 40,000 others that will erase themselves from the map over the course of 2014. De-mapping now accounts for more deaths than does car accidents, which is somewhere in the 32k range +/-.
The Death of the American Pantheon - Growing up, I fell in love with comic books as most American teenage males did. I was a pretty big Batman fan. No, that didn't come out right. I was an amazingly out of control Batman fan. I walked side by side with Bruce as The Joker emptied Arkham and Bane broke his back. I was there as Robin died. As a new Robin was recruited and died again. I saw as the books turned darker and darker... the epitome of noir. And watched as the comic printing presses just pumped more and more books into an already over saturated market. I'll get back to that point in a moment.
Top Stunt Videos On Youtube Right Now - so, a guilty habit of mine is watching some crazy stuff on YouTube. Warporn is one. Bombs being dropped and what not. But even worse is my stunt tricks fetish. Here is a list of craziness on Youtube right now.
Get The Bird Box Scared Out Of You - Occasionally you find a book that you dig and so you tell a few people about it. Right? And then you forget that you've even read them. And when people ask whether they should read it you say... yeah, sure. It's good. But whatever you are reading right now instantly over rights that particular recommendation. MOST books are kinda like that. Right? They are good. You enjoy them... but when they are gone they lose some of that intensity.