Craig's List is a pretty lame place to hang out. Or a really really terrible place even. But even on the greatest of days it doesn't usually go well. And I know - I just sold my Xbox 360 out on Craig's and dang it if I wasn't worth it by a long shot. Sure, I got cash on the barrel head... but flip an egg is it a terribly weird place where the basest of humanity's detritus hangs out. But occasionally Craig's has a gem or two... or maybe just a gem. Anyway this lovely little post may single handedly make all of Craig's chaos make sense... or if not make sense, make it worth it anyway. This was posted on Wednesday in the missed connections section of Craig's List.
Paper Laser Cutting Magic Take some high quality stock paper. Add an expensive laser cutting machine. And then add a...
The Heart of a Comet Revealed - Pardon me, but this news is just not getting nearly enough coverage. The European Space Agency has just completed a momentous achievement. Rosetta, ESA's spacecraft/probe has now become the very first probe to orbit a comet. As Rosetta approached the (terribly named comet - Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko - I say we rename it to the more aptly named - 'Wobbling Duck') comet it became clear that there are two main sections connected by a neck that holds it together.
Conclusive Proof Facebook Doesn't Delete Your Deleted Account Data - I guarantee you, in no uncertain terms... that when you delete your account Facebook definitely does not delete your information. There aren't even TRYING to hide the fact that they know you intimately still...
Text Based Games The New Rage
Amateur Video Effects Awesomeness - These guys are epic huge! They take Nerf Guns and turn them into semi-automatic brilliance. They turn toy cars into get away machines of madness and insanity. This is awesome! The only problem? It's only a couple minutes long!
But these Dads aren't the first ones to turn common toys into lightsabers and semi-automatic brilliance. My favorite fan video of all time is by far Ryan vs. Dorkman Remastered.
Gorgeous Designs Inspired by the Ocean - I recently stumbled upon two different designers/artists that have used the ocean as their inspiration.
The first is Greg Klassen who creates tables, desks and conference tables with glass inserted in the middle. It is just phenomenal what Mr. Klassen is able to do with just wood and glass. It invokes ideas of rivers heading to the ocean.
Ever wondered what its like to be a firework, and what a firework sees? Well here you go! Happy fourth everyone. Stay safe and try not to detach any body parts playing with fireworks!
Gorgeous Animation Short from Glen Keane - You know Glen Keane even if you don't know his name. Mr. Keane is the lead animator, designer for If you aren't aware, Glen Keane was the lead animator that designed Pocahantas, Little Mermaid, Tangled, etc. He did this animated short for the recent Google I/O conference.
A Peloton From the Inside - I like a good football game (Broncos possibly?) Or baseball even (Orioles much?). March Madness? I'm totally in. I don't even care who's made it to the round of 64. But, what about the World Cup? Wimbledon? Cricket in India? Or the Tour de France?
Stormtrooper and Darth Vader in this Starwars Frozen Remix I love StarWars. I have two daughters. Enough said. Do you...
Kumi Yamashita Amazing Shadow Art
Photos of Through the Phone Photos - Photos by Sam Alive Tumblr which can be found here. Just love pretty much every photo this guy takes. But these blurred / focus mixes are my favorites because they are so different. Check him out and let him know I sent you. Great stuff Sam!
Aaron Sorkin and Flashboys will be money Michael Lewis is the economic equivalent to Malcolm Gladwell. You push a tipping...
David OReilly and His Mountain - David OReilly of Her fame has created a video game. The game is ingeniously entitled MOUNTAIN, which is a mountain simulator. Which seems silly in the extreme, except that it is also brilliant. David was the designer of the video game imbedded within the movie Her. You know the one, the one with the annoying little kid that swears like a sailor? Yeah, that game. Mountain is his first actual video game, but if it brings his standard gorgeous design capabilities to it (which we think he has) then it should be a gorgeous experience.