TV Show Recommendation Counterpart - which is so highly complicated, and so brilliantly convoluted, you'll want to watch it twice. Promise
The Movie VerĂ³nica is the Best Kind of Mindjob - a perfect THiNC. movie of the truest form. An independent Spanish movie that'll have you on your toes from beginning to end.
TD-73028 Hamlet Soliloquy Questions Being...
Everyone Watch the Movie Still So You Can Explain It To Me
The History of the Lizzie Movie and Meaning Discussion - It's an interesting and really historic reenactment of the true history of the Borden murders, until, that is, it isn't.
Izzy Gets the F*ck Across Town Explained and Christian Papierniak Interview - which is totally worth your time because its totally different than what you might be expecting.
Black Mirror Bandersnatch Full Walkthrough & Explanation - or how those choose your own adventure books in your attic might still be able to blow the skull cap off the back of your head.
Oh nothing - just a snippet from the movie Izzie Gets the F--- Across Town, and a song that literally stopped me in my tracks.
New Amazing Patrick Kramer Piece - because you can't just watch movies all day dangit.
Keanu Reeves Replicas is an Interesting Mindbender - but could possibly collapse under the weight of its own structural detritus.
The 2014 Movie Pig will have you Confused to the End - because Pig is a looping mindjob of a movie, intent on having you totally confused right up until the end.
The Top THiNC Movies of 2018 - everyone loves a best of list, right!? Well, I promise you, this is as good a guide to what to watch in 2019 as anything you can get your hands on. I promise.
E. E. Cummings happens to be one of my favorite poets. Maybe second only to T. S. Eliot. Anyway, figured...
The Movie Frailty Explained and Discussed - wherein we discuss the twists and turns of the movie Frailty and try and figure the movie out.
The Confusing Meta Maze that is Nietzermann and Interview