Who Knew Mario Was The Saddest Thing Ever
Interview with The Invitation Movie screenplay author Phil Hay wherein I ask some fantastic spoiler questions and Phil is good enough to talk through each one honestly and candidly!
Freedom of Speech Octopus Trolls the World at Large - wherein I completely lose my grasp on reality for about 10 minutes. I'll be ok here eventually though. Thanks for asking.
Katana Conversation ether and wires electronic mesh catapults me to you distance destroyed speed of light me approaching you. this...
Want to support Taylorholmes.com? Sure you do. - Wherein I schill like a two-bit snakeoil salesman. I sell ice cubes to Snowmen, and girl scout cookies to girl scouts. Wait, what?
Cinta Vidal Agullo and his Escheresque Architectural drawings
ARQ Movie Reviewed Explained and Discussed - or how I fell in love with this awesome little time traveler movie and how you will too.
Last Days In The Desert Movie Investigated and Explained - wherein I grapple with Rodrigo's intentions and try and understand it.
The Invitation Movie Discussed with Phil Hay and Explained - where in I tease you with an interview and don't actually deliver ... yet. But, there is so much to discuss and unpack. It really isn't my fault!
сокрытие Part 6 - wherein the very first anomaly caused by the Glyptic Record is investigated and the outcome is dire.
I Need Podcast Help - Please - wherein I beg for your help to find more great podcasts to listen to. I don't do TV, but man do I do podcasts. So what is hot that you guys are listening to?
СОКРЫТИЕ PART 5 - the story of the Glyptic Record spreads around the world and how the world fell into such terrible disarray.
сокрытие Part 4 - the hunt for the Glyptic Record becomes more confusing than ever, and more dire as the world begins to collapse to its overwhelming power.
No Trump Anytime
сокрытие Part 3 - the Glyptic record is the single most dangerous event the world has ever encountered. Deaths are in the hundreds of thousands and this is only the beginning.