Blitzkrieg Assassination Nation Walkthrough - or how this modern remake falls flat with its revisionist action ending.
Movies that we like to talk about here on THiNC skew generally in the Sci-Fi Mindjob direction. Movies like Crazy...
I Shall Now Explain Why Extinction is the Next Movie on Your Mindjob List - or how, all it takes is a clever twist, and Netflix hits homerun after homerun.
A Deconstructive Explanation of the Movie You Were Never Really Here - or how I realized less is always way way more when it comes to movies.
oceans-8-review-and-deconstruction - or how I try and decide if Ocean's 8 is one of the best con job movies of all time... eh.
How Close to the Actual History is the Amazing Movie The 12th Man - or how a movie showed me that a pucker factor of 12 could be reached and maintained for almost an entire movie straight. This movie truly is out of control history.
Let Me Explain Why Bushwick is Low Budget Mayhem Brilliance - or how much I absolutely adore this run and gun secessionist movie out of Brooklyn
Atomic Blonde Twist Explanations and Discussion - Atomic Blonde looks amazing but also has a fantastic brain going for it as well. Definitely a blast to watch, but pay attention or you'll miss it.
Explain Why Dunkirk Has Such A Crazy Timeline - it moves backwards, and forwards, and its so confusing! But it isn't. One key rule will explain it to you.
The Amazing Alien Covenant Unpacked and Explained - or how the entire Alien universe is actually, finally, beginning to come together and make sense. Phew.
Belko Experiment Discussed Explained and Argued
The Revenant is the best film of 2015. Nothing comes close to the physical brilliance and mastery of Iñárritu. Nothing. It is an amazing film. Join us as we discuss the ins and outs of this masterful film.
Sicario is a downward spiral of a movie that investigates the underbelly of the US/Mexico modern drug wars... and it will leave its mark on you.