Severance Show Explanation Episode 3 - let's investigate the ins and outs of this show about a corporation with unchecked power.
Severance Show Explanation Episode 2 - let's investigate the ins and outs of this show about a corporation with unchecked power.
Severance Show Explanation Episode 1 - let's investigate the ins and outs of this show about a corporation with unchecked power.
German Schlaf Movie Sleep Movie Investigated - a movie that is begging to be understood, explained, and grappled with.
Black Box or Boîte Noire French Movie Recommendation - a really well done thriller uninfluenced by Hollywood.
Why You Must Watch Dopesick Right Now - because the Oxycontin opioid was the most horrifying horror movie you could possibly imagine.
Apples Movie Ending Explained and Deconstructed - a deceptively simple movie that is extraordinarily difficult to understand.
On How Collective a Romanian Investigation Explodes - or how even the horrors of other political realities can teach us about ourselves.
Elephant Song is the Talky Movie You Are Looking For - a deeply profound movie about grief, and the investigation into its deeper meaning.
Broadcast Signal Intrusion Ending Explained. Why did I just watch Broadcast Signal Intrusion? You too want to be tormented by...
Top 100 Movies of All Time Inception - wherein we watch the best movies of all time and see what we can learn from Hollywood for once.
Top 100 Movies of All Time Inception - wherein we watch the best movies of all time and see what we can learn from Hollywood for once.
Possible Worlds Movie Recommendation and Explanation - because this movie is all about the multiverse and parallel world craziness!
Top 100 Movies of All Time Se7en - wherein we watch the best movies of all time and see what we can learn from Hollywood for once.
Why Zone 414 Should Be Worth Your Time - it's a decent watch, with decent conversational ethics happening throughout.