Top 100 Movies of All Time Memento - wherein we watch the best movies of all time and see what we can learn from Hollywood for once.
Interview with A Dark Song Creator Liam Gavin - an interview with Liam Gavin, talking about his hyperrealistic movie.
Preparations To Be Together For An Unknown Period of Time Explanation - because the ending of this movie is truly inscrutable.
M. Night Shyamalan Old Discussed and Explained - because the movie and the graphic novel it is based on are very complicated to tease out.
Why The Movie Gaia Could Crush Your Brain - but a good crushing every now and again might be just what the doctor ordered...
Flashback Movie Recommended and Explained - because this movie is a joy to unpack and grapple with the inner workings of. Loved it!
Mindjob Movie A Perfect Enemy Recommendation - a clever movie with a fantastic ending that is coming for you.
Mindjob Movie A Perfect Enemy Recommendation - a clever movie with a fantastic ending that is coming for you.
The System and Rules for A Quiet Place Explained - because the movie A Quiet Place was so fantastic, we really need to understand how this movie works and the details of every possible millisecond.
Netflix Show Behind Her Eyes Explanation Guessing Game!!! Behind Her Eyes ending apparently has a really surprising twist to it?!
Oxygen French Netflix Film Explanation - because you don't get any more closed box and Indie than Netflix's French film Oxygen.
Mandela Effect Movie Mind Job - a movie that takes the weird anomalies of memory and effectively spins an explanation for the universe.
Movie Black Hollow Cage Recommendation and Explanation - a super deep dive on the realities of grief and trauma in a sci-fi setup.
History of Time Travel Interview with Ricky Kennedy - or better, a primer on low budget film making 101 that will blow your mind.
The Tangle Retro-Modern Brilliance Explained - a retro-futuristic neo-noir thriller about tech, murder, and the possibilities for happiness.