Always Shine is Your Next Closed Box Favorite - or how you really should watch more intense closed box movies that pit one character against another.
Ending of eXistenZ Mindjob Extraordinaire Explained - because this is without a doubt one of the craziest cinema experiments ever crafted.
Explain Why Russian Doll is Worth Our Time - or possibly, we could just debate about what the heck just happened in this fantastic Netflix Christmas special!
Mind Job Looper Seven in Heaven Explained - or how can we figure out what this movie is all about, because I'm a little unclear what I just watched.
Explaining why Velvet Buzzsaw is Art Criticism Perfection - but the movie definitely was a paint by numbers at the end of the day... unfortunately.
Someone Needs to Explain the Movie Antiviral Because Wow Is This Movie Really Crazy Kind of Mindjobness of a Special Variety!
The Movie Faults Will Reprogram You - because this is possibly one of the most clever intervention movies ever.
OK, first, I have to stop you for a second, and tell you something. This movie, and its original novel,...
Let us Explain why the Favourite is a Sharp Shiv of a movie - or how this movie may be more about you than you are comfortable realizing it to be.
The Movie VerĂ³nica is the Best Kind of Mindjob - a perfect THiNC. movie of the truest form. An independent Spanish movie that'll have you on your toes from beginning to end.
Everyone Watch the Movie Still So You Can Explain It To Me
Izzy Gets the F*ck Across Town Explained and Christian Papierniak Interview - which is totally worth your time because its totally different than what you might be expecting.
Black Mirror Bandersnatch Full Walkthrough & Explanation - or how those choose your own adventure books in your attic might still be able to blow the skull cap off the back of your head.
The Confusing Meta Maze that is Nietzermann and Interview
We HAVE To Talk About That Bird Box Movie Ending - because it's all kinds of complicated my friends. Like more than you even know.