Phoenix Forgotten Found Footage Movie Review and Discussion - or how the public's disdain for found footage films is completely and totally unwarranted.
Cries For Syria The Worst Kind Of Necessary - or how this movie should be required viewing, unless it shouldn't, at which point, no one should watch. Ever. And yet there is so much on the line with this movie. So much at stake. And yet this movie is so very hard to take.
Baby Driver Movie Review and Conversation - or how a movie made out of a million different retreads can still be fresh and new by giving us great characters
I Don't Feel at Home in this World Anymore Discussed and Ending Explained - or how this movie is the perfect anecdote to a post Trumpian world.
Movie Comet Is An Experimental Talkie You Might Just Enjoy - it is a little stilted and clipped, but it is also transcendent and beautiful. It's a gorgeously complex story with all kinds of interesting insights and hidden gems.
Mark Duplass Movie Creep Is Fascinating Beginning to End hat really is a must see, fantastic experimental movie from the Duplass oeuvre.
Let's Discuss Lady Macbeth And Explain The Confusing Bits - and oh by the way this is a gorgeously evil movie in the best possible way imaginable.
Let Me Explain the Movie Children of Men To You - or, how I had a near religious experience while watching this post apocalyptic dystopian film
Handmaid's Tale Episode 10 Finale Explained in Detail - or how I completely lost my mind while watching this last episode of the season.
Netflix Shimmer Lake Review and Explanation - or why this should be your very next movie to watch... because I told you so! That's why!
A Completely Biased Wonder Woman Review - or how I was surprised to find that there still existed thoughtful and insightful movies within the super hero genre.
The Amazing Alien Covenant Unpacked and Explained - or how the entire Alien universe is actually, finally, beginning to come together and make sense. Phew.
The Movie Realive Discussed and Explained. Realive is a well thought out and fascinating movie. I really did find it fascinating. But caveat emptor.
Closed Box Movie Recommendation Free Fire - a fire fight that lasts 70 minutes long? Who doesn't want in on that kind of a movie?
Handmaid's Tale Episode 1 Explained in Detail or, let me show you what a real horror movie looks like