Diverge Movie Ending Explanation & Walkthrough - or how I am certain 95% of people didn't understand this ending.
Movie Recommendation Walkthrough What Keeps You Alive - or how I fell down a postmodern philosophical after colliding with this movie...
Watch Mr. Nobody online at one of these prestigious online confectionaries: Powered by JustWatch I’ve watched this movie three times...
An Enemy Movie Review, Discussion and Maybe an Explanation. Ok. Deep breath. I love the movie Enemy. But, it is...
When I started focusing on movies, and talking to you about the technicolor brilliance available to us all, I only...
Blitzkrieg Anti Matter Movie Walkthrough - what really makes up your soul, really? Practically. Actually?
Watch Alpha Gateway online: Powered by JustWatch So yeah! Let’s Count All the Parallel Worlds in Alpha Gateway – because...
I Shall Now Explain Why Extinction is the Next Movie on Your Mindjob List - or how, all it takes is a clever twist, and Netflix hits homerun after homerun.
Let Me Explain Why Sorry To Bother You Will Wreck Your Brain - or why Sorry to Bother You should be the most disturbing movie you'll ever see.
The 7 Moral Failings of the Movie Calibre Explained - or how today's Philosophy classes should study this movie instead of their liferaft silliness.
The Truly Confounding Spinning Man Deconstructed and Explained - or how this confusing movie only gets more confusing the deeper you look at it.
The Endless Movie Explained in Six Possible Theories - or how Resolution and The Endless will utterly blow your mind in two enjoyable sittings.
Three Theories to Explain the Movie Never Here - or how maybe this site is actually just becoming a really great therapy session?
Let Me Explain Why Incendies is the Intense Mind Job Movie You are Looking For - or how sometimes we all need to be completely crushed by a story.
oceans-8-review-and-deconstruction - or how I try and decide if Ocean's 8 is one of the best con job movies of all time... eh.