What is Water – David Foster Wallace Every now and again a speech hits a chord with society and it...
Books We Love April 2013 - this month we read Ghostman, The Blue Book, Under the Skin and other great novels as well as investigate new books on the way.
This is my definitive must see documentary list. It contains all the "Must See" movies of the past 10 years. Definitely a worthwhile list to check out.
Books we Love - March 2013 - These are the books we have recently enjoyed, will be enjoying and will soon release. Come join us as we discuss books books!
J J Abrams has been selected as the new director for Star Wars episode 7 now that Disney has purchased Lucas Films.
One of the top items on my Bucket List - Around the World in Seven Days - is going to happen...
This week we are quantifying the unquantifiable... the greatest movies of the 80's. Come watch me fail completely.
Shane Carruth is going to be at the Sundance Film Festival... heck ya!
Starting the adventure of adopting a child from Haiti... join us as we walk down this road together.
A Peruvian Encounter with Compassion International to the Jungles and some of the most extreme poverty in the world.
So, I've started a book writing journey. I randomly started writing a book, and would love to have you peer pressure me into getting it done.
Dare Me Before I Sleep and Gone Girl - Book Reviews. 3 new books by 3 brilliant authors that will make you beg for more. Oh, and you are welcome.
Downton Abbey Explained & Infographics - a discussion about the ins and outs of Downton Abbey including infographics, family trees, the works.
Are you interested in the mysteries of the universe? Learn what they actually are as we dig deep into the realities of the mysteries of the universe.
These are the Best Rabbit Hutch Plans ever created by man - seriously. Just viewing this blog post will make your life, and your rabbit's, better.