What is The Pink Cloud Movie Saying?? Because its either a movie about covid hell. Maybe it's actually talking about something else entirely?
THiNC. Movie Spotlight #62 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
Observance 2015 Movie Mindjob Recommendation - A crazy horror/thriller about a man, a woman, and maybe a necklace? I still don't know.
Severance Show Explanation Episode 3 - let's investigate the ins and outs of this show about a corporation with unchecked power.
Was Branaugh's Belfast a True Story Worth Watching? 1st was it accurate retelling? Secondly, is it worth watching? Let's find out together!
THiNC. Movie Spotlight #60 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
Severance Show Explanation Episode 2 - let's investigate the ins and outs of this show about a corporation with unchecked power.
Severance Show Explanation Episode 1 - let's investigate the ins and outs of this show about a corporation with unchecked power.
THiNC. Movie Spotlight #60 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
Closed Box Movie Glasshouse is a Pandemic Mindjob - or how a movie about a memory pandemic could be more about morality than anything else.
The Courier Cumberbatch Spy Movie Realism Explained - let's investigate just how real the courier actually was to the story that inspired it
THiNC. Movie Spotlight #57 - a list of movies from the future, the present and the past, all worth watching... we think.
Oscar Nominations Cold Read Live Chat Video and Movies Discussion - a video chat about the movies as I read the nominations for the first time
German Schlaf Movie Sleep Movie Investigated - a movie that is begging to be understood, explained, and grappled with.
The Audition Crazy Movie Explained. Over on the Patreon Discord chat channels, we have a list of movies that members...