The Gentlemen Film Recommendation Explained - I know you probably won't see this in the theater, but you rae really going to miss out if you don't.
The Secret In Their Eyes Movie Recommendation - because Philosophy 101 is totally running out of crazy scenarios to think about on their own.
The Siren From Perry Blackshear Is a Quiet Screamer - a modern day fable that will rorschach its way into your heart. If only you'll let it.
Crazy LSD Infused Mindjob The Wave Explained - or, how any movie can get interesting if you add enough drugs and existential angst.
Promising Young Woman Will be the Female Movie of the Year
Color Out of Space Movie and Book Compared - because this movie really needs to be investigated to be understood.
Indie Movie Code8 Recommendation - because we have to all pour love on the Indie film makers or else, we get Iron Man 83, and we'll deserve it.
Explaining the Confusing Movie Artifact Lake - because unless someone comes along and explains that ending I'm going to stay confused.
Explaining Why Funny Games is Only Meta Hilarious - this movie is not what this movie seems to be about. There is a lot more going on here.
Random Riff of Thoughts on the 2020 Oscar Nominations
As Above So Below Recommended Unpacked Discussed - is it about loss? Is it about man's inhumanity to man? Or is it about psychic guilt?
Top 25 Movies that Made You Think in the last Decade - because the last ten years have really been a blast. And we have found some of the coolest movies that you have loved talking about...
The Problem with the WWI Movie 1917 Explained - because although its a glorious movie and one of my favorites of the year - it is complicated.
The Ending of the Movie Little Joe Explained - because it could use a little explanation or two. Crazy.
Monos Movie of the Year 2019 Explained - Monos is one of the most heart wrenchingly difficult, yet exhilarating movies ever made. It really has to be seen to be believed.