Explaining the Mindjob Movie The Perfection - or how Netflix is beginning to monopolize on the mindjob category.
10 Reasons Explaining Why Brightburn is Better than Endgame - because let's be honest, absolute power always corrupts absolutely.
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - Time Lapse
The Standoff at Sparrow Creek Movie Explained and Discussed - because this thing is in some serious need of discussion, because wow is it messed up.
As Alien reaches its 40th anniversary this week, we take a moment to look back, and then a forward glance to see where our favorite alien might be going.
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - The One I Love
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - The Exam
The Movie Free Solo is the Scariest Thriller Ever
JT LeRoy and the Heart's Various Deceitfulnesses - or how we are all complicit in this tragic autobiographical car crash.
Ashes in the Snow is Our Next Favorite History Lesson because it opens our eyes to a rarely discussed systematic tragedy.
The Brilliant Movie Moon Unpacked and Discussed - because it could be the most brilliant polemic against human working conditions ever.
Let's Talk About The Utterly Baffling Movie High Life
PSA: Killing Eve Season 2 - and why you should be taking time out of your busy lives to watch both season one and two.
One of my favorite low budget films is a little film entitled Infinity Chamber. The premise was simple, and it...
The Wind Movie Recommendation and Explanation - a scary closed box thriller that keeps you guessing from the first minute.