Did You Guys Enjoy Cargo With Martin Freeman Because My Brain Popped - or how I realized that a movie could be a better therapy session than an actual counselor can provide.
A Few Non-spoiler Thoughts on the new Star Wars Solo Movie - or how I continue to enjoy the experience that is Star Wars in spite of myself.
The Details You Missed in the Thoroughbreds Movie Explained - or how his American Psycho, Heathers, American Beauty, equivalent discusses ennui of being an American, a human, today.
The Top 25 Movies on Netflix Right Now To Make You Think - or how I give, and I give, and I give. No really, I do. LOOK AT THIS LIST! 25 epic mind job movies free for your perusal on Netflix right now. I should be your new best friend!
Let's Explain Why The Cured Movie is an Amazing Story of Grace - or how fantastic is it that an independent film like this movie can tell such a universal story of our desire for grace and forgiveness.
Bible Experiment I Timothy - or how I can prove to you that the God of the Universe is relentlessly chasing you down. And He will not stop. And yet, He allows you to choose all on your own. But it is the most important choice of your existence.
Let Me Explain if the Movie Revenge By Coralie Fargeat is Worth Seeing - or, heck, on this Mother's Day, why don't we wade into the complicated politics of the #MeToo movement with this extraordinarily violent call to action from Coralie Fargeat.
How Close to the Actual History is the Amazing Movie The 12th Man - or how a movie showed me that a pucker factor of 12 could be reached and maintained for almost an entire movie straight. This movie truly is out of control history.
Let Me Explain the Movie Anon From Netflix to you - or yeah, I understand, I too wondered why I had watched this movie after I was done. But I at least should understand what I watched...
High Recommendation for The Maus and Discussion Explanation - or how it is possible to base your movie backstory in the wide world of non-American history, and your viewing audience could be all the better for it.
Bible Experiment I Thessalonians, or why we should be excited to live a life of sacrifice for others. Why we should be thrilled to give before receiving. Because, He is returning!
An Explanation as to Why Psychokinesis is a Better Way to do Super Hero Movies - or how this Korean movie did more for me than all of the Avengers movies combined.
Westworld Season 2 Episode 1 Walkthrough and Explanation - or how season 1 was a casual addiction and season 2 has got to get treated. This cannot continue without professional assistance.
Mother's Day Grammarian and Geek Gift Ideas 2018 - or my gift to you because I love you all so much!!
A Few Theories to Explain the Movie PI - because this movie needs a lot of explaining and discussing in order to crack what it was that the director Darren Aronofsky is trying to say with this crazy movie.