The OA Episode 8 Theories and Explanations - wherein I have a hard time keeping my jaw off the floor as I watch yet another amazing episode of this fantastic new Netflix show.
The OA Episode 7 Theories and Explanations - wherein I have a hard time keeping my jaw off the floor as I watch yet another amazing episode of this fantastic new Netflix show.
The OA Episode 6 Theories and Explanations - wherein I discuss purple goo, cops with guns, mentors and inter-dimensional time travel and the like all in the service of trying to understand episode 6 of The OA
The OA Episode 5 Theories and Explanations - wherein I have a hard time keeping my jaw off the floor as I watch yet another amazing episode of this fantastic new Netflix show.
The OA Episode 4 Theories and Explanations - wherein I have a hard time keeping my jaw off the floor as I watch yet another amazing episode of this fantastic new Netflix show.
The OA Episode 3 Theories and Explanations - wherein I fall in love with yet another television show after vowing my disdain for the medium.
The OA Episode 2 Theories and Explanations - wherein I fall in love with yet another television show after vowing my disdain for the medium.
The OA Episode 1 Theories and Explanations - wherein I fall in love with yet another television show after vowing my disdain for the medium.
Bible Experiment Luke - wherein I bet you that if you read the book of Luke, and don't find it insightful, then I'll pay you for your time.
Star Wars Rogue One Review Before and After - wherein I tell you what I hope for out of Rogue One, and then come back after the fact and compare my expectations with reality... Ok, so it isn't the most original post idea ever... granted.
If There's a Hell Below Explained and Interview With Nathan Williams - or how I tripped across a fantastic low key thriller that is really complex in every way
Anonymous (Hacker) 2016 Reviewed - or how I spend the entirety of this movie review apologizing for even mentioning I was even somewhat intrigued by this movie. Yes, I'm sorry. Very very sorry.
Westworld Season 1 Episode 10 Explained in Detail - or how my first attempt at talking through the finale of Westworld Failed only to fail again with my second attempt.
Westworld Season 1 Episode 10 Finale Explained - wherein my mind is completely blown by the single best season of television ever.
Bible Experiment Mark - wherein the the gospel of Mark shows you something worth dying for, and better yet... something worth living for.