Animal Transformation Photoshop Tutorial
When i first went into a gallery as a kid i knew what i wanted to do so that was that, i think you eventually become part of it and i see a lot of contemporary artists whose work is described as challenging or cutting edge whichever the latest buzz word is, but if thats how they communicate through their work i find it basically fake.
Safety Not Guaranteed And My New Bromance I have long loved independent theater. (Theatre?) What have you. Low budget, clever...
So, I’ve been doing this thing – if you are catching us mid-stride, maybe you ought to start here instead?...
I want to time travel. This is a known fact. But in case you thought I was lacking proof, I give you this, and this, some of this, and this. Need more? But this? I actually thing these photos from Dan Marker-Moore are more time travel street cred than all the previous links combined. You wanna know why? I'm idiot, of course you want to know why, I mean, that was possibly the greatest build up to an intro ever.
A Complete Clouds of Sils Maria Explanation and Walkthrough. Quite possibly one of the greatest mindjob flicks I've watched in the past 10 years. What is happening here? Let's talk about it.
Whether you are into Snowden or not... or whether you are into Oliver or not, the two together are unforgettable. Literally the first question of the entire interview was - "Do you miss hot pockets?!?" Sweetness and light I tell you. Sweetness and light.
And Ruth's faith is rewarded a million fold. Not only is Ruth's faith rewarded for Naomi, but also for herself and how she is remembered throughout History. In Judges we talked about how King David's line came through a prostitute. And this week we see how David and Jesus' line go through a gentile's line.
Personally I believe that the button is someones brilliant Doctoral Thesis in the making. The paper will inevitably be titled, "On the Social Ramifications of Arbitrary Delimiters as Experienced by Reddit and the Button." Guaranteed.
The representational elements, the animals, plants and objects, manifest in the same fashion. I start to make a horse only to discover it wants to be a goat, and its legs become a sea shell. I find it easy to tap into imaginative flow states and the imagery finds itself.
My problems with Judges begin and end with a character named Jephtah. His story begins promisingly enough, in that he is the son of a prostitute. But eventually Jephtah's half brothers kicked him out of the family. And once out of the clan, Jephtah becomes something of a brawler, and becomes a leader of the leaderless, and the family-less.
Three completely underrated movies you should watch now Sometimes the court of public opinion just is wrong. I’m not talking...
Holy crap - there are some really amazing movie developers hiding under rocks and in desperate need of attention! This little movie is so rich with back story and latent ideas that I don't even know where to start. This movie was obviously pulled together by some really fantastic special effects mavens.
So what's the upshot? The upshot is that I have pulled all the nickles and dimes out of the couch that I could find in order to get the app funded with a reasonable starting position. The money is routing now and I expect to be trading in the next day or two. I'm sure I'll be complaining about my losses soon enough!
The Bible Experiment Joshua - Last year I did a whole series of posts on the best books of the month. I had a theory that a chain of posts might actually create a synergistic reading effect and increase SEO, and also help focus my posts. Oh wow was I wrong. At the end of that year the readership was so blooming bad I quit doing the reviews, (but not before one of the authors I reviewed that month gave me the awww "buck up wally" speech. Its awesome.) and decided that I would pick an even less interesting topic and commit until I had finished the entirety of the series. And that was to read every book of the Bible and to write 1000 words about it. An Atheist had started doing it and it was actually a pretty interesting read. And I figured, heck, if an Atheist can do it, why can't I? Shouldn't I be able to?