Blood Punch is Deliciously Bloody Groundhog Brilliance that takes a few repeats to figure out what is going on. For us and them too.
Netflix Movie Mirage Mindjob Madness Explained - or how this Spanish film is so perfectly executed as to make your head spin...
Why Reset Is an Interesting Chinese Mindjob movie that has positioned itself perfectly for an American remake. But I'm not 100% certain it's worth our time. You tell me.
Explain Why Russian Doll is Worth Our Time - or possibly, we could just debate about what the heck just happened in this fantastic Netflix Christmas special!
OK, first, I have to stop you for a second, and tell you something. This movie, and its original novel,...
41 is Low Budget Time Travel Brilliance - sometimes you just have to ditch the acting, the special effects, the big budget cameras, and just make your film. And that is what Glenn Triggs has done here in this great little time traveling movie.
Black Mirror Bandersnatch Full Walkthrough & Explanation - or how those choose your own adventure books in your attic might still be able to blow the skull cap off the back of your head.
The 2014 Movie Pig will have you Confused to the End - because Pig is a looping mindjob of a movie, intent on having you totally confused right up until the end.
Infinity Chamber Is a Fantastic Closed Box Mindjob - wherein we regress deeper into the mind of a entrapped prisoner as he struggles to break free.
Why the Movie Enter Nowhere Really Is Worth Your Time - or how this closed box movie once understood discusses important social issues like family...
The Endless Movie Explained in Six Possible Theories - or how Resolution and The Endless will utterly blow your mind in two enjoyable sittings.
Mind Job Movie The Ghoul Explained and Reviewed - or how this confusingly obtuse mobius strip just blew your mind.
2:22 Movie is a Slick Attempt at a Mind Job movie in the vein of Coherence, Time Lapse, and even Primer. But the internal logic doesn't even come close to adding up. At least that I can tell anyway. IMDB
Predestination Movie Unpacked Discussed and Explained - or, how I totally laughed out loud when the movie played the song "I am my own grandpa".
Synchronicity Time Travel Movie Reviewed and Explained - wherein we fall in love with another micro-budget movie that explores love and treachery in loop after loop of time.