Top 25 Movie Countdown – Remainder

As I explained – in this much too long post – I have decided to mine the depths of this site’s intellectual movie capital of crazy awesome movies and craft a top 25 movies list. Now, this movies list will be unlike any other movie list you’ve ever seen. Why? Because Quality and Unknownness will be equally weighted. And lucky for you, I built an algorithm to find and surface the crazy mindjobs that no one has heard of so that I can bring them to you in this top twenty five countdown. Right? So yes, the top 25 movie mindjob countdown – Remainder. Our list of goodness so far:

Have loved watching this list grow and grow as we find more and more movies that are below your radar… And here is the total list of every movie published so far.

Be careful with this trailer – if you want to go into this movie totally blind – this trailer will definitely spoil those hopes.

Number 2 – Remainder

I say this alot here on THiNC. – but THIS time I really mean it – because this movie is nigh on impossible to summarize in such a way as to A) not spoil it B) communicate the level of brilliance happening in this movie. It’s just really not possible to convincingly communicate how good Remainder is. But I will tell you this, it takes the Hollywood stereotypical thriller mold and laughs in its face, then backs over it with a semi.

My daughter recently told me she was going to start reading Oedipus in a few weeks. You know, the whole Oedipus Complex story? Kid goes out of his way to not kill his father and sleep with his mother – and in so doing, kills his father and sleeps with his mother. Right? You know that story? Yeah. So I just said – “Oh? Can’t wait to hear what you think of it. It’ll be memorable.” And so she then heads into class, and before the book is assigned, the teacher, in her infinite wisdom told the story, in its entirety, by way of “back story.” The whole of it. My daughter comes home and says, I hear there is a part where… yadda yadda… and I was like, that isn’t a part! That is THE story!! What is happening inside the American Education system DAMMIT!?!? (Sorry for the potty words, but you can agree, I was justified.) All that to say, I’m not going to do that to you here.

But, let’s see, what can I say about Remainder that won’t spoil the entirety of the movie like my daughter’s English teacher did? OK, breathing into a bag…thinking. OK. I think I have it. Tom, leaving a bank, is cracked in the head by a massive, heavy falling thing, which instantly puts him in the hospital. Tom wakes in the hospital with absolutely no memory of who he is or how he got there. The insurance settlement pays him out millions to keep quiet. But Tom is obsessed with trying to figure out his past and figure out who he actually is. And so, he begins painfully, and meticulously, recreating what shards of a memory he has.

Literally cannot say a single word more. I mean, come on. It’s be 23 weeks of marching towards this film, and you think I’m going to hand you tripe? Last I looked you can find the film over on Amazon in disc form. And maybe this page will help as well? It’s a really hard movie to get a hold. I think I went and found the director, and paypal’d him some cash, and said, sorry, I’m now tormenting your film. It’s a hard one to get, but TOTALLY worth the watch.

Edited By : CY