David Fullarton Wins The Art Game - Who is David Fullarton? Oh, no one really. Just one of my new favorite artists ever. Of all time. I mean! Look at this texture and portraits? Never mind the clever word play. Just fantastic stuff. If you'd like to purchase one of his pieces, at a ridiculously cheap price, you can do so right here.
Serial Podcast Spoilers - so, here we stand. Serial is an enormous, totally groundbreaking podcast. So far there have been something like 15 million downloads of the various episodes. Which is unprecedented. And I am going out on a limb and saying that Adnan
Time Travel Goes Awry in Double Trouble Kickstarter - Andreas Climent and André Hedetoft are Swedish filmmakeers that created the short film “Double Trouble” to investigate the humorous fallout of a young man who suddenly is enabled with the power of time travel. Obviously there is a girl involved. And obviously this flight of fancy was funded by a Kickstarter project.
Star Wars 7 Force Awakens Fan Art - So, the teaser trailer for The Force Awakens hit the interwebs and we were given our first quick glimpse of the future beyond the explosion of the Death Star in Return of the Jedi. If you missed it, (and that basically means you were the LAST person to catch the trailer) you can see it here:
Designing is difficult. I'm a decidedly mediocre designer because I have to be. In my line of work it can be important to bang out a good design quickly and without outsourcing. Two of the most difficult things about designing are 1) color combinations and 2) font selections. Years ago I solved my problem about deciding color combinations by using Behr's website to coordinate fabulous web design colors. (I totally sounded gay right there didn't I? If not gay, definitely very metro... wow.)
Ok, so I had no idea that the airspace around the world was nearly as complicated as it is. After just returning from numerous international flights around the world, I think I had more justification to be nervous than I was. Watch this video and see just how amazingly complex the flight patterns over the UK are.
You Are Rich - Make a Difference - Sponsor a child - I don't normally push for action here. But I think I'm personally done with inaction. I've seen too much and I'm tired of being the inactive upper 10%. Why don't you join me in turning someones life around. You are rich after all. You have already arrived. Maybe you just needed that little reminder of just how lucky you are. How lucky we all are. And just how much you can do to impact the world for change.
Which really shouldn't be much of a shocker to anyone seeing as though Serial is the single most downloaded podcast in the technology's history.
A Modern Message In a Bottle Would You Open It? So I recently decided to conduct my own modern message in a bottle experiment. I was listening to Radiolab and I was thinking about just what makes a thing great. You know. What makes someone continue listening when they wouldn't have normally? What do we find entertaining? And not only what but why? And I realized that it's the audacity of a thing. The curiosity to learn what will happen next. Right?
Psalms 136:7-8 – “To Him who made the great lights, For His lovingkindness is everlasting: The sun to rule by day,...
Man. This is just going to be a public service announcement for all of you out there that have somehow left your brain behind, and have come completely irrational when it comes to Ebola. Today I am getting on a plane, and will be heading to eastern Africa in order to train people in three different countries about an iPhone app my team developed. But this Africa trip just keeps coming up, not because I'm bringing it up... but people are now required to ask about it.
I have thought for years that I would love to capture people driving home from work sitting at the wheel of their car stopped at a red light. You see all kinds right? People are wiped out. They are brain dead. Their bodies have memorized the way home and they have checked out for the duration. It's almost a metaphor for the way we stupor our way through our lives.
"Are you listening to Serial yet? You have to start listening to Serial. Please. It’s a podcast from the makers of This American Life, it’s been going since October, there are seven episodes to catch up on (start from the beginning, listen in order) and… I’m obsessed. I need you all to start listening so that we can form some kind of Serial support group."
“The misconception of totalitarianism is that freedom can be imprisoned. This is not the case. When you constrain freedom, freedom will take flight and land on a windowsill.”
Salt Scape Installation by Motoi Yamamoto