Amsterdam is amazing. I have loved getting to know the city over the past few years. It seems like I've had several long layovers there, and vendors there to meet, as well as business partners to meet. But whatever the reason, I love strolling through the city and getting an enormous cup of pomme frites and staring at the Alice and Wonderlandian architecture. Its really quite amazing that the buildings are still standing.
So we just learned the new title for our favorite space opera saga, and it is The Force Awakens. I am somewhat ambivalent about the title, but I also know quite a lot about the plot of the movie so far. And knowing what I know, it makes sense. But that doesn't mean it's any good. I think I will ultimately have to see the movie before I pass judgement. Cut that didn't keep Twitter from going completely and stark raving over the new title.
There are only a few games out there the get your pulse pumping like the Call of Duty (COD) series. We've all played the heck out of Destiny, and sure, we'll keep going back to that well when we get bored elsewhere. But now we have a few COD Advanced Warfare thoughts for you all. But first, to really understand just how exciting Advanced Warfare is, you need to understand just how terribly disappointing COD Ghosts was on the new modern console.
I love little animation vignettes like this one. Just beautifully rendered and hopelessly cute. Makes me want to take animation back up as a pursuit. Regardless. Enjoy. And make sure you try to save a village or two today regardless of whether they are appreciative or not.
Woah. Ok, so I've been aiming really really low with my bucket list items these days apparently. A trip around the world (which I will be doing again in a week)? Bah. How week is that? Reading War and Peace?!? HAHAHa. Rediculous. That is nothing in comparison to this particular Bucket List item. So, on September 9, 2014, almost two dozen people came together and decided to do a little extreme hammocking in the Dolomites of northeastern Italy.
Halloween Tribute Funny Scare Pics - I am dying to know what it is that completely unhinges these people. It looks awesome. Gotta add heading to the Nightmares Fear Factory at Niagra Falls to my bucket list. This looks seriously full tilt. Happy Halloween everyone...
What a Terrible Trip - Today I'm heading to Peru. So not a lot of time for a post. But I saw this and I couldn't resist posting it. Does it mean I'm evil because I think this is downright hysterical?
The Tipping Point of Human CGI - In Australia there is a Computer Graphics Artist named Chris Jones. He's only recently come to my attention. But he is obviously a force to be reckoned with. Humans are hard to nail. Our eyes register things, and our brain senses human realism that is truly difficult to duplicate. Think back through some of the previous attempts and how we just don't take them seriously.
Tuck Me In Halloween Magic - I recently did a review of a couple movies that blew my mind. Coherence being one. And The One I Love, being the other. They remind me of this little snippet of a vignette of an idea. Apparently the idea originally came from a micro-short-story idea competition on Reddit written by Juan J. Ruiz, aka justAnotherMuffledVo.
Ambition Sci-Fi Magical Short - Oh my marvelous creator this video is awesome. I just can't get enough of these pixels. The special effects, the scenery, the story, the all of it!! Gah. I want there to be 100 minutes of this. Just these two characters chatting about their powers and discussing science. I want Neo to make an appearance, and I want these two sorcerers to LAUGH at his silly bullet time capabilities.
New Podcast Crack Serial - A good podcast is gold in my world. Find me a good one and you just found yourself a friend for life. You may even find yourself in my Last Will And Testament too accidentally. Not that I have anything worth owning. But its the thought that counts. I've discussed podcasts a bit here at THinc. but this new podcast by the NPR boys that brought us This American Life goodness and Radiolab have brought us a new podcast that may be laced with METH for how addictive it is.
Intersections Lasercut Art Installation - Some of the greatest stuff venturing into the art world today are being generated with the help of lasers (SHARKS WITH LASERSSSS!!!) cutting technology. The precision and the intricacy is second to none. And the results really can be revolutionary when coupled with the right visionary. Anila Quayyum Agha is one such artist with a vision all her own. Anila has taken a box that has been intricately sliced and diced, added a light bulb, and then has allowed the shadows to be her art.
Yelp Troll Reviews of World Renowned Art Galleries - Every now and again I lough out loud at internet trolls. They really are amazing. Flame wars at the bottom of articles on CNN are just the beginning of the amazingness.
Nuclear Reaction Toast
Banksy Unveiled? Not Even Close - This morning I woke to the startling news that Banksy had been unveiled. I tripped out as I worked through the emotions of it. OH AWESOME, THEY FOUND HIM. Oh, Huh... They Found Him. DANG. THEY FOUND HIM?!?