Just a pile of awesome TED Talks - If you don't know TED, it is a conference of inspiring talks that are in the 10 to 20 minute range that will inspire you and change your life.
The Signal 2014 Sundance Science Fiction Magic - Since this year's Sundance I've been hearing rumor about a movie entitled The Signal that will be the next big mind-blowing head job to pay attention to. Brought to us by William Eubank, The Signal seems simple enough at the surface.
An Open Letter To Shane Carruth - wherein a serious fan boy writes out questions for one of the world's great directors to answer if ever the bottle washes up on his shore.
The Bible Experiment Numbers - an experiment wherein I go through each book of the Bible in order to grapple with the details and the complications of that particular book of the Bible.
The Silence A Post Apocalyptic Short Story - two people trapped and about to die learn to live in a way that few ever realize.
Oscars Winners and Losers Predicted 2014
iPhone Game Revival - Best 2014 - alternative games paving the way for a revival in the iPhone Game arena. Duet, Device6, Blek, Rymdkapsel, Impossible Road
The Bible Experiment Leviticus, is my attempt to read through every single book of the Bible and discuss the hard bits and the relevant bits and the confusing bits all in one go. I am being 100% honest about what I read, what I don't understand, and figuring out just how it could possibly be integral in anyone's life.
The Best Modern Melancholy Mood Movies list. From Her, to Silver Linings Playbook, to Juno, to The Chocolate War... we've listed our favorite movies in this space.
transformers transforming youtube video
The Bible Experiment Exodus
The Bible Experiment Genesis is a 66 post review of the Bible from an end to end standpoint. My goal is to review each chapter of the Bible objectively and examine the point of that book in the overall scheme of the Bible.
Map of How Much Snow it takes to close school across the nation
A Shape Has Never Been More Disturbing... This is fullon rise of the machines. I'm serious. This little cube manifested my nightmares for a week after the first time I saw it. If it doesn't frighten you, you have ZERO imagination whatever.
The Rocket War When I was growing up in Los Angeles, and even later in my life, we would have...