Mother's Day Grammarian and Geek Gift Ideas 2018 - or my gift to you because I love you all so much!!
A Few Theories to Explain the Movie PI - because this movie needs a lot of explaining and discussing in order to crack what it was that the director Darren Aronofsky is trying to say with this crazy movie.
This is a song that will motor you through the week without even giving it a second thought - Mad World by Belmond and Parker...
What did you guys think of backstabbing for beginners? Because, for the first time in my life, I literally cannot decide. I literally have zero opinion. Sure, pros and cons. But I don't know.
Westworld Season 2 Episode 1 Walkthrough and Explanation - or how season 1 was a casual addiction and season 2 has got to get treated. This cannot continue without professional assistance.
Would You Like Someone To Explain the Movie Trance To You? Yeah, well me too! I would love for someone to! No no no, let's talk this movie through together and see if we can't make sense of it.
Bible Experiment I Thessalonians, or why we should be excited to live a life of sacrifice for others. Why we should be thrilled to give before receiving. Because, He is returning!
Single Best Cinematographic Episode of Television of All Time - or how Mr. Robot's, Season 3 episode 5 will literally have you chewing on your couch its so fabulously well shot.
I Will Now Seriously Explain The Elements of Rampage That Worked - or, why don't we talk about blockbuster movies and how infuriatingly shallow they are?
The Millennial Matisse - An Exposition as to the social, cultural and artistic impact of cinematic savant Dwayne The Rock Johnson
The Two True Realities That Explain the Movie Certified Copy - because as far as nebulous movies go, this is one of the best, meaning, the most unambiguously ambiguous movies I've ever seen. Let's see if we can figure it out.
A Few Random Thoughts on Ready Player One From an 80's Fanboy - or how I came to terms with Spielberg smarming the heck out of one of my favorite books of the last few years.
Can Someone Please Explain What Happened in the Blackcoat's Daughter? Because right now I just watched the film and I am desperate to have someone explain it to me!! hahah.
The System and Rules for A Quiet Place Explained - because the movie A Quiet Place was so fantastic, we really need to understand how this movie works and the details of every possible millisecond.
Um Hard Candy Anyone? Hardcandy? I generally don't just arbitrarily throw movie recommendations out into the wind. But here I am doing it right now. Hard Candy anyone?!?