Are the Duffer Brothers 9Mother9Horse9Eyes9 and the author of the Interface Series? I'll walk you through my argument as to why I think it is...
The Art of Rogue One is now officially and unreservedly, going to be blooming amazing. I guarantee it.
Zero Days Documentary Is a Mind Job Of The Best Kind because while much of the movie is known, what isn't will completely unravel you wholly and completely.
A Walk Among Giants - and my realization that my life on earth is meant for so much more...
Bible Experiment Habakkuk is another post wherein I read a book of the Bible and then talk about it for a 1,000 words and blow my mind in the process.
London Installation of Gravity Defying Shoes by Pejac - which are mindblowing, gravity defying installations that you have to see to believe.
21 Pilots New Song Heathens From Suicide Squad Soundtrack
Gorgeous Unity Adam Demo Is Amazing - a realtime rendered video created by the Unity team telling a story that seems fully fleshed out and legit.
The Girl With All The Gifts Book and Movie Brilliance - or, why you should be reading this book and not the book you are currently reading. And also, why you should be scheduling a date with this movie in September now.
Black Hole Sun by Post Modern Jukebox and also a cover of 21 Pilots Stressed Out. Modern Jukebox knows how to cover a song like a champ. Check it out.
An Open Letter To Bungie From a Middle Aged Destiny Gamer - or, why Bungie should be forced to listen to us older gamers, and either reform the game from the inside out, or allow us to never have to play with a 12 year old again.
The Interface Series Is My New Favorite "Book" - that seems generous seeing as though it's just a huge pile of comments on Reddit. But man, it's awesome.
Kickstarter Floating Planter Brilliance - because things that float are exponentially better than things that do not. This is a fact.
twine. driftwood. and bones. - a poem written on the occasion of the death of a potential reality that ultimately was not to be.
Alice Through The Looking Glass Review and Explanation - because nothing in Wonderland makes sense in and of itself of course. Nothing!