The Battle [sic] Flip Heard Round The World - or, how a stupid party trick escalated into the realm of minor deities and demigods.
Stop A Moment Find Peace And Listen - yeah, I'm getting all Jedi/Yoda on you for a moment. Deal with it.
10 Outrageous Things I'm Dying To Do Today - or, more appropriately titled, 10 ways that I will probably find myself admitted to the nearest mental health ward.
Explaining Why Angry Birds Is THE Summer Movie of 2016. No other movie will knock it down like this one. Funny. And it isn't a super hero movie. PLUS!
On the Creation of Meta Narrative Reductive Fiction and on the book idea that is currently eating my brain from the inside out.
On Internet Civility and The Global Trend Toward Trollism - and my minor melt down about internet privacy and our desire for anonymity.
Thoughts on Disney's Latest Through the Looking Glass Movie - or why no one understands how impossible it should be to make a book from this source material.
Random Mind Blowing Science that leads me to eventually burn not only my house down, but yours, your neighbors, and your entire neighborhood's houses down.
Bible Experiment Nahum is a topic no one tackles today... that of Peace in the midst of chaos. That is calm in the storm. Nahum is relevant today.
Another Random Song of the Day Beautiful Now
May the 4th Be With You All
Free Photo Edit Give Away For A Little Business Advice - hoping to create a web-front business editing and cleaning up photos. But first I need your advice, and I'm giving away my editing services to get it!!
Independence Day Historical Documentary Campy Brilliance wherein we are subjected to a real documentary detailing the 'war of 1996' against the aliens...?
Gallo Sculptures Merge Humans And Animals In Clever Ways - wherein I ponder animals and their inclusion in the modern world.
Comprehensive Step by Step Guide To Creating Passive Income By Selling Electronic Products Online - wherein I show you how I niched my way to some really nice side income.