A Ghost Waits Closed Box Indie Wreckommendation - MacLeod Andrews has done it again in this comedy/drama/mindjob of a closed box surprise.
The Bureau French Series is Glorious - an international spy show that is more realistic than anything out there. It's brilliant in every way.
In the Earth is an Arboreal Apocalypse Now - it's all happy science, lovely hike through the woods... until it isn't. Then? Good luck.
Mandela Effect Movie Mind Job - a movie that takes the weird anomalies of memory and effectively spins an explanation for the universe.
Movie Black Hollow Cage Recommendation and Explanation - a super deep dive on the realities of grief and trauma in a sci-fi setup.
To The Lake Russian Pandemic Recommendation - and I also have a competition for a Starbucks gift card.
Tribes of Europa Recommendation and Ending Discussion. It’s no secret that Dark is really big here on THiNC. I mean,...
History of Time Travel Interview with Ricky Kennedy - or better, a primer on low budget film making 101 that will blow your mind.
The Tangle Retro-Modern Brilliance Explained - a retro-futuristic neo-noir thriller about tech, murder, and the possibilities for happiness.
Doors Movie Sci-Fi Anthology Recommendation - an indie sci-fi group of shorts that are on on topic with an alien invasion of ominous doors.
Argentinian Movie Rojo Explanation and Investigation - because the reality and the fiction are intricately intertwined.
Come True Mind Job Movie Recommendation and Walkthrough. Nancy! Thanks for bringing this one to our attention out on Discord....
Three Stunning International Political Movie Recommendations - or how I slave at the movie searching mill all day to find your new favorites.
The Block Island Sound Ending Explained - a fun little indie movie with enough thrills, jumps, and excitement to keep you guessing until the end.
I really love lots of foreign films these days. Love how out of the box they roll, and how they...