Mindjob Movie A Perfect Enemy Recommendation - a clever movie with a fantastic ending that is coming for you.
Profile Movie Recommendation and Discussion - or how real world films can be way hella scarier than any fictional horror movie ever.
Oxygen French Netflix Film Explanation - because you don't get any more closed box and Indie than Netflix's French film Oxygen.
First Cow Move Recommendation and Dissection
A Ghost Waits Closed Box Indie Wreckommendation - MacLeod Andrews has done it again in this comedy/drama/mindjob of a closed box surprise.
The Bureau French Series is Glorious - an international spy show that is more realistic than anything out there. It's brilliant in every way.
In the Earth is an Arboreal Apocalypse Now - it's all happy science, lovely hike through the woods... until it isn't. Then? Good luck.
Mandela Effect Movie Mind Job - a movie that takes the weird anomalies of memory and effectively spins an explanation for the universe.
Movie Black Hollow Cage Recommendation and Explanation - a super deep dive on the realities of grief and trauma in a sci-fi setup.
To The Lake Russian Pandemic Recommendation - and I also have a competition for a Starbucks gift card.
Tribes of Europa Recommendation and Ending Discussion. It’s no secret that Dark is really big here on THiNC. I mean,...
History of Time Travel Interview with Ricky Kennedy - or better, a primer on low budget film making 101 that will blow your mind.
The Tangle Retro-Modern Brilliance Explained - a retro-futuristic neo-noir thriller about tech, murder, and the possibilities for happiness.
Doors Movie Sci-Fi Anthology Recommendation - an indie sci-fi group of shorts that are on on topic with an alien invasion of ominous doors.
Argentinian Movie Rojo Explanation and Investigation - because the reality and the fiction are intricately intertwined.