Black Mirror Bandersnatch Full Walkthrough & Explanation - or how those choose your own adventure books in your attic might still be able to blow the skull cap off the back of your head.
Oh nothing - just a snippet from the movie Izzie Gets the F--- Across Town, and a song that literally stopped me in my tracks.
The 2014 Movie Pig will have you Confused to the End - because Pig is a looping mindjob of a movie, intent on having you totally confused right up until the end.
The Confusing Meta Maze that is Nietzermann and Interview
Into the Forest is a Movingly Realistic Post Apocalyptic Force. If that doesn't sound intriguing? I promise it won't be. If that got your attention - you are in the right place.
Oh We Have Got To Talk About Green Room From Netflix - because oh, holy night, this movie rockets you to the speed of sound in zero point two seconds.
What Did you think of the Netflix Movie Time Share? Because I literally can't make up my mind. If they had added one 2 minute scene it could have been the best movie ever.
The Night Eats the World is an introspective, thoughtful turn on the standard zombie movie trope. And yet, it also has a number of tricks up its sleeve as well. It's a worthwhile watch for sure.
Let's Talk about the Movie The Guilty, because while only a micro budget film, it has big big ideas, and all of them are worth talking about.
Under Under the skin As We Try and Make Sense of it - and there are plenty of theories available to us in order to try and make sense of this mind job movie.
Netflix's Hold the Dark Is Inscrutableness Defined - a movie so dark and impenetrable as to laugh at our efforts to understand it. Let's dive in shall we?
The Movie Melancholia A Polemic on Depression - or how this movie isn't what it first appears to be.
Why the Australian Movie Rabbit is a Suprasubliminal Mindjob about the twins and their psychological and paranormal abilities across vast distances.
Four Theories to Explain the Movie The Jacket - because this isn't your average, run of the mill mindjob. There is a lot going on here in this movie. Let's dissect it and pull it apart.
Ending explanation for the movie Take Shelter - because this movie's ending is definitely able to wreck your brain if you aren't careful.