Nocturne on Amazon Dissected Unpacked and Explained - or how music isn't for the weaker of us, but rather only the most cut throat apparently
Movie Recommendation Mosul on Netflix - a story of Iraqi fighters lost in a quagmire of blood and chaos, struggling to find their way home.
Parallel Movie Ending Discussed, and Explained - a messy multiverse portal film that gets itself coming and going, simultaneously
Taxi Driver Watch Along Video Party - because Covid season is lonely, and we know everyone could use a virtual friend every now and again.
I just Won By Recommending Netflix's The Call - because it's one crazy premise, with one crazy ending, including an even crazier ending in the credits.
What the hell was that Black Bear Ending - because woah. That is some kind of wonderful right there. But what does it mean??
Looking For Your Assistance - Panel Discussions - would you be interested in occassionally participating in a movie panel talking head group?
Make the Ending of White Wall TV Series Make Sense - because I'm not a hundred percent that it actually does. I mean, does it?
We Need To Talk About the Ending of Burning - because the ending is really something. And I'm still wondering if I understood it.
Columbus Film Recommendation and Explanation - a perfect movie that transcends the chaos of life even though it's simultaneously mired in it.
Why Tehran Apple TV Series is Worth Your Time - because it is a fantastic balance of excitement and realistic international intrigue.
It’s so rare to find a good mindjob movie that zigs, zags, and inside-outs itself, on its way towards the...
We Have Always Lived in the Castle Explained - because I'm not sure this thing is understandable without lots of unpacking.
Ending of the Movie Freaky Explained - because it was a little tricky there going in to the ending. But don't worry, I got you.