Interview with The Spinning Man Author George Harrar - wherein we discuss the power of ambiguity in film and literature.
Christmas List of 50 Best 2020 Movies from THiNC. as rated by you the reader. As well as my own personal Top Ten List of best 2020 films.
Nocturne on Amazon Dissected Unpacked and Explained - or how music isn't for the weaker of us, but rather only the most cut throat apparently
Movie Recommendation Mosul on Netflix - a story of Iraqi fighters lost in a quagmire of blood and chaos, struggling to find their way home.
Parallel Movie Ending Discussed, and Explained - a messy multiverse portal film that gets itself coming and going, simultaneously
Taxi Driver Watch Along Video Party - because Covid season is lonely, and we know everyone could use a virtual friend every now and again.
I just Won By Recommending Netflix's The Call - because it's one crazy premise, with one crazy ending, including an even crazier ending in the credits.
What the hell was that Black Bear Ending - because woah. That is some kind of wonderful right there. But what does it mean??
Looking For Your Assistance - Panel Discussions - would you be interested in occassionally participating in a movie panel talking head group?
Make the Ending of White Wall TV Series Make Sense - because I'm not a hundred percent that it actually does. I mean, does it?
We Need To Talk About the Ending of Burning - because the ending is really something. And I'm still wondering if I understood it.
Columbus Film Recommendation and Explanation - a perfect movie that transcends the chaos of life even though it's simultaneously mired in it.
Why Tehran Apple TV Series is Worth Your Time - because it is a fantastic balance of excitement and realistic international intrigue.
It’s so rare to find a good mindjob movie that zigs, zags, and inside-outs itself, on its way towards the...
We Have Always Lived in the Castle Explained - because I'm not sure this thing is understandable without lots of unpacking.