Spoiler Tsunami! Thoughts On the Batman vs Superman Ending [amazon template=iframe image&asin=B01DEBC7Q6]I had no interest in this movie – at...
10 Cloverfield Lane Reviewed and Cloverfield Mythos Explained, because this movie is a lot lot bigger than it's small script and cast would have you believe. Join me as we pull the engine on this movie and investigate it from the inside out and explain what is going on here.
New Short Film Code 8 Prepped for Big Screen - wherein I find a 9 minute film I would prefer watching over Batman vs. Superman. But that goes without saying I hear.
New Fan Film About Darth Maul Is Legit I’ve talked about Star Wars fan films here several different times here....
Winter on Fire Is The Best Kind of Documentary - Winter on Fire should be required watching. It's rivoting, but it is also something that would make us all better world citizens knowing.
Sometimes the magic of a movie is that it so thoroughly immerses the viewer into a new world and new...
Interview with Victoria Movie Cinematographer Sturla Brandth Grøvlen - and I get to chat with the guy who shot a movie that clocked in at 2 hours and 18 minutes. 138 continuous minutes of shooting, all shot by Sturla. Fascinating interview.
Victoria Movie Walk Through and Review - Victoria is possibly the single greatest thing ever. Better than waffles in the shape of Darth Vader even. Here's why you need to watch it now.
Episode VIII is Now In Production - what else do you need? What else is there? I can't add to that? That's AWESOME!
Epic solo family photo awesomeness.
Explaining The Knight of Cups Movie as Morality Tale and Parable - wherein I grapple with the Knight of Cups, or rather, it grapples with me.
Synchronicity Time Travel Movie Reviewed and Explained - wherein we fall in love with another micro-budget movie that explores love and treachery in loop after loop of time.
Kara is an amazingly good Star Wars fan film short that has all kinds of really cool potential. Most short films are flat at best, but this short has pathos coming out of it's pores. Check it out.
X-files Trailer is All Kinds of X-Awesome Ok, that was X-Lame. But I’m a geek. I’m excited. You got the...
I absolutely adored the movie Cloverfield. It was a realistic portrayal of what might happen if monsters just appeared amongst...