Top 25 Movie Countdown - Elizabeth Harvest - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
The Movie Joker Is Stunning in Every Way - the acting, the direction, the cinematography, the ... all of it. Just stunning. Shocking. And truly relevant.
Top 25 Movie Countdown - The Ghoul - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
The Movie Perfect is a Psychotrauma Waiting to Happen - or maybe it's just another retelling of the Tower of Babel?
Korean Movie Parasite is a Picture in Class Warfare - but who knows which class in particular this movie is eviscerating?
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - Unsane - and the most overlooked mindjob movies of the last decade or so.
Currently. Breathing. Into. A. Bag. No. That is not hyperbole. It is literal, God’s honest truth. The Dead Center is...
Explaining why Level 16 is Worth Your Time - or why cool little indie films like this one need to keep getting love from us...
20 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ignore The Operative Movie - or how much I hate click-baity titles like that one. But even so, you should still watch this movie because it is so brilliantly realistic.
Night Moves is Realistic Eco-Terrorism Explained
Explaining Why The Wedding Guest is Actually Perfect - because, although this isn't your average, ordinary thriller, it had a lot going on for it up here...
Explaining Blue Ruin and How it is Indie Brilliance - because no other film maker is bringing movies as exciting as Jeremy Saulnier is right now.
What happened in The Hole in the Ground Movie? Because this thing is one big walking metaphor if you ask me. And it's a hole that matters to you. It matters to me.
Top 25 Movie Mindjob Countdown - I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives in the House
Explaining the Mindjob Movie The Perfection - or how Netflix is beginning to monopolize on the mindjob category.