Carrey Shows Us Just How Much We All Need Color - or how a comedian takes a turn at the more contemplative arts and hits a few clear out of the park.
Have You Seen Hell or High Water Yet? It's a fantastic movie from the writer of Sicario. A fantastic film with elusive intent and ideas worth discussing.
Atomic Blonde Twist Explanations and Discussion - Atomic Blonde looks amazing but also has a fantastic brain going for it as well. Definitely a blast to watch, but pay attention or you'll miss it.
The Wall is a Fantastic Psychological Cat and Mouse Movie - or how a movie with three actors and very little else can be the most riveting thing ever
Scrapped: the deadly business of dismantling ships in Bangladesh - or how you can impact someone else today that is in desperate need of help.
I Am Not Your Negro Movie Review - or how a lame white guy realized what racism really was while in the cradle of the creation of slavery.
The Dystopian World That Is The Bad Batch - or how a terribly horrifying film could be seen as a fantastic commentary on our modern world today.
Christopher Nolan's Ten Movies Ranked Top to Bottom - or how i realized the most excruciating exercise ever was to attempt to rank Nolan's 10 best movies.
Explain Why Dunkirk Has Such A Crazy Timeline - it moves backwards, and forwards, and its so confusing! But it isn't. One key rule will explain it to you.
Phoenix Forgotten Found Footage Movie Review and Discussion - or how the public's disdain for found footage films is completely and totally unwarranted.
Cries For Syria The Worst Kind Of Necessary - or how this movie should be required viewing, unless it shouldn't, at which point, no one should watch. Ever. And yet there is so much on the line with this movie. So much at stake. And yet this movie is so very hard to take.
Baby Driver Movie Review and Conversation - or how a movie made out of a million different retreads can still be fresh and new by giving us great characters
I Don't Feel at Home in this World Anymore Discussed and Ending Explained - or how this movie is the perfect anecdote to a post Trumpian world.
2:22 Movie is a Slick Attempt at a Mind Job movie in the vein of Coherence, Time Lapse, and even Primer. But the internal logic doesn't even come close to adding up. At least that I can tell anyway. IMDB
Movie Comet Is An Experimental Talkie You Might Just Enjoy - it is a little stilted and clipped, but it is also transcendent and beautiful. It's a gorgeously complex story with all kinds of interesting insights and hidden gems.