Awful Horrible Warcraft Review From a World of Warcraft Idiote because you know what? This was the single worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life.
How I Ended Up At the U.S. Embassy In The Philippines - or why we need to be thankful for absolutely everything we have... and why we just aren't thankful enough.
10 Outrageous Things I'm Dying To Do Today - or, more appropriately titled, 10 ways that I will probably find myself admitted to the nearest mental health ward.
Explaining Why Angry Birds Is THE Summer Movie of 2016. No other movie will knock it down like this one. Funny. And it isn't a super hero movie. PLUS!
On Internet Civility and The Global Trend Toward Trollism - and my minor melt down about internet privacy and our desire for anonymity.
Thoughts on Disney's Latest Through the Looking Glass Movie - or why no one understands how impossible it should be to make a book from this source material.
Bible Experiment Nahum is a topic no one tackles today... that of Peace in the midst of chaos. That is calm in the storm. Nahum is relevant today.
Free Photo Edit Give Away For A Little Business Advice - hoping to create a web-front business editing and cleaning up photos. But first I need your advice, and I'm giving away my editing services to get it!!
Comprehensive Step by Step Guide To Creating Passive Income By Selling Electronic Products Online - wherein I show you how I niched my way to some really nice side income.
Movie Midnight Special Explained and Reviewed - wherein we discuss one of the best movie of the year and walk through a theory or two about what it's about.
Shakespearian Insults in Honor of the 400th Anniversary of His Death - I've chosen to regale you with a menagerie of insults to spice up your vocabulary. What better way to celebrate the bard than to take some of his lesser known insults and list them out here for your own betterment hundreds of years later?!
Goodbye Prince - Prince Cover of Radiohead's Creep, a repost from a couple months ago... but with Prince's death today, I figure it's a good day to revisit.
Alex Garland of Ex Machina Tackling Annihilation with Natalie Portman will be possibly one of the most difficult movies to ever be brought to film. But dang, if Garland can pull it off, what a feat it will be.
New Short Film Parable RISE Is Beyond Amazing because it shows us what we really think about God. It shows just how much we hate being beholden to anyone.
Vintage Godzilla Encounters and Prints, or watch as I schlep my latest prints your direction. Yes, I know... it's a shameless self satisfying plug. Deal. With. It. They are cool as.