Oh I know there are weaknesses in this theory. But when you point them out, my answer is invariably going to be, explain to me your theory, and how it has fewer gaping holes in it than mine? Hahah. No, seriously, I've been struggling with this damn movie since I first walked out of the theater. Normally I crank a movie review the night after I see it. But this one wasn't like that at all. I struggled and struggled and struggled with it until I decided my first thought in the movie theater was all that was left.
Now that your mind is blown... give. Might I suggest a sponsorship with a fantastic organization like Compassion International? My family and I sponsor 4... and wish we could sponsor more. And with Compassion, you could even go and visit your sponsored child if you wanted. Talk about a change of perspective. It will blow your mind to see where some of these kids live.
I think that game development is so much more accessible now than it used to be. This presents a lot more opportunities for developers, but that is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. Because anybody can make a game, there is a lot more competition, and thus it is a lot harder to get noticed.
Thank you. I really appreciate you saying that because most of my “backgounds” are conceptions. It’s my way of taking a break from the regimen of tight painting. Many of those backgrounds are applied with palette knife, scraped and reapplied. Usually a few layers deep. I work off instinct and my mind rather than what is in front of me.
This is an amazingly well conceived and executed short film, with a great idea, and stupendous ending. I didn't think animated films were even morally capable of this sort of an ending.
The ‘Royal Beasts’ commission at the Tower of London was an open competition. I made initial concept drawings with examples of my work , was shortlisted and then pitched for the project. The Tower of London, as you say, is an extraordinarily special place and I was thrilled to be selected.
Lately I've taken a shining to short films. I love the big ideas of them wrapped in bitesized packages. They've really been fun to dig into and digest.
Eva Jospin is a sculptor. But she isn't like an sculptor you have ever encountered before. Eva creates dense, life like forests, trees, forest floors, all out of cardboard. That's right, cardboard. It is such an interesting contrapuntal choice, that one wonders what her larger point is? Is it just an aesthetic choice?
Seth Clark Artist and Destroyer of Worlds Interview I have a dirty little secret to share with all of you...
The concept is another space time travel idea, but this time the story deals with salvation and intervention in the face of impending and inevitable doom. Record/Play manages to touch on so many rich concepts and ideas so quickly that I hope that Aaron Wolfe and Jesse Atlas are able to see some of their ideas make it to the big screen some day soon.
When I first watched TimeCrimes, I was struggling to understand if the TimeCrimes time travel system was deterministic or if time could actually change as the movie moved forward. A lot of this confusion centered around the young woman... who she was, how many times did she die? Did she die at all? Was Hector's wife killed and then saved? Was she killed at all? Etc. I also wasn't sure how the time machine worked. But seeing as though this was the first time that a "vertibrate had entered" the machine, they didn't understand it either.
Regardless... thanks Adobe, for picking up Photoshop back when it was still Imagepro. Thanks for enabling super powerful image editing for the masses and literally bringing it out of the Pixar. (Long story - feel free to read it here.) I know that my own life would be radically different without Photoshop not being in it. Here's to Photoshop's next 25!
Why Last Night’s Oscar 2015 Selections Were Important So, normally, the morning after I crow a bit. I jig a...
Which makes me think that we have got to make this into a meme. This, "I'm too busy to notice" or "What Whale" occurrence has got to become a meme. And in order to help give this new meme a shove in the proper direction I figured I'd add a few entries for society to consider and expound upon. But this guy is sooo extraordinarily cool its like shooting fish in a barrel.
I first encountered Blue Bottle in San Francisco a couple years ago. (The photos included in this story are from a several of my visits to the store.) Since then every time I've been back to the Bay Area I go way out of my way to get back to Blue Bottle. Every time I turn the corner and see the shop ahead, I'm greeted with a mile long line. The reason is fairly simple. Blue Bottle Coffee is artisan coffee created slowly and delicately for the perfect taste and experience.