I've never chased a hurricane but don't feel a massive desire to. I guess what I really want is a super close, ultrawide angle shot of a tornado. Like crazy close. Like this one. That could have been it. National Geographic used one of those on their cover in 2012. It was probably a half mile away though.
This guy is full tilt. Like, WHAT?! A few of these moves I can accidentally do on a good day. But what? Like, take for example, his family jewels? Little known fact, it isn't the most comfortable of forms of transportation to engage in.
I think the first time I learned that a flock of starlings wheeling in the sky was called a murmuration when learning about Upstream Color. There is something about about these flowing and undulating body of flowing birds that just induces awe.
I've been saying for years, and years, that the scariest, and one of the best books of all time is definitely The Shining. And the movie, with Jack Nicholson is a serious cult classic. Just a phenomenal movie. Definitely two amazing heavyweights in the world of books and movies. Redrum, Redrum.
Short Film Find Interview Confusion Through Sand Every now and again you experience something so new and innovative you reevaluate...
Not that we need more evidence of Serial's absolute, and completely overwhelming hold on society, including our judicial system, but here it is all the same. Asia McCLain has filed an affidavit stating that she was with Adnan between the times of 2:20 p.m and 2:40 p.m. If you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about - please just stop reading and go listen.
So there was a documentary (Mockumentary? Meme w/in a meme? Internet scam?) that came out a year or two ago called Catfish. A guy begins to fall in love online and he and his friends decide to start recording video about the whole internet side of it and the unveiling of this relationship over time. They spoke on the phone, shipped art to each other, wrote love poems. It was very sweet... and intriguing. Only glitch? The woman on the other end of the relationship was a sham.
These installations require enourmous amounts of time and work to plan, prepare the room, paint, and install. In the artwork ‘Stratachrome’ for example, there are 400 sheets of transparency each hand painted with different imagery. Each sheet is 14 x 5 ft. or 4.2 x 1.5 m, that’s a surface area of 28 000 square ft or 8 534 square metres. All of which had to be hung and lit specifically throughout the span of the gallery.
I'm sure you already knew that Monty Python was performing again together on a reunion tour. But only just recently have they begun to release any of the videos from the reunion out on Youtube. And its a riot to watch. Not because they are better than the originals... not at all. But because they are laughing at themselves not being as good as they used to be.
3D printing companies are some of the hottest companies on the market right now. Venture capitalists are going ape for everything 3D printers. So much so that while there is a ton of money to be made in this space, there is also a ton to be lost as well.
ignition sequences - ooh. ooooooh. ah, yeah!" I am quoting myself the first time I saw this video from Richie Johnston. Absolutely adore this thing. Fire!? Explosions of fire, backwards, forwards... everywhere. What's not to love here?
I personally love the overwhelmingness of man standing in the face of nature that can be seen throughout all many of his paintings. Waves painted with such perfection that it really is awe inspiring. Colors so bright that they punch clean off the canvass. And visions so strangely familiar I think I may have, no I definitely have, dreamt many of them regularly.
Right now I can't think of another game with a more innovative play technique happening. Within was interesting as an experiment. Maybe The Witness will return us to our Myst roots too? But those are all recognizable as "games". Navigate the world. Investigate your environment. Solve problems. Move to the next area, repeat. But Her Story is completely different.
We think it's all about the story. We honed it until we thought it was good enough. Then we figured out how to make it, and cgi was the shortest path.
There's something about the grand open vistas of an apocalypse. What an opening line. Reminds me of, "I love the smell of napalm in the morning." But what is it about the crazy open worlds of a post apocalypse, or a dystopian world that are so very enticing?