The Bible Experiment Joshua - Last year I did a whole series of posts on the best books of the month. I had a theory that a chain of posts might actually create a synergistic reading effect and increase SEO, and also help focus my posts. Oh wow was I wrong. At the end of that year the readership was so blooming bad I quit doing the reviews, (but not before one of the authors I reviewed that month gave me the awww "buck up wally" speech. Its awesome.) and decided that I would pick an even less interesting topic and commit until I had finished the entirety of the series. And that was to read every book of the Bible and to write 1000 words about it. An Atheist had started doing it and it was actually a pretty interesting read. And I figured, heck, if an Atheist can do it, why can't I? Shouldn't I be able to?
Now that your mind is blown... give. Might I suggest a sponsorship with a fantastic organization like Compassion International? My family and I sponsor 4... and wish we could sponsor more. And with Compassion, you could even go and visit your sponsored child if you wanted. Talk about a change of perspective. It will blow your mind to see where some of these kids live.
There's something about the grand open vistas of an apocalypse. What an opening line. Reminds me of, "I love the smell of napalm in the morning." But what is it about the crazy open worlds of a post apocalypse, or a dystopian world that are so very enticing?
Martin Luther King Jr Tribute
You Are Rich - Make a Difference - Sponsor a child - I don't normally push for action here. But I think I'm personally done with inaction. I've seen too much and I'm tired of being the inactive upper 10%. Why don't you join me in turning someones life around. You are rich after all. You have already arrived. Maybe you just needed that little reminder of just how lucky you are. How lucky we all are. And just how much you can do to impact the world for change.
Psalms 136:7-8 – “To Him who made the great lights, For His lovingkindness is everlasting: The sun to rule by day,...
A Bit of the Holy in the Mundane - I've always been interested in finding a sense of the holy in the mundane. Brennan Manning in his book Ragamuffin Gospel talks about a friend that was struck by the holy in his reading of the book Watership Down. I personally have friends that tell stories about having encounters with angels while having tea. I have had similar responses to the American Beauty of the plastic bag circling in the wind. But probably the holiest of holy moments of my life was an 18-20 foot flight off my roof. And what not and the like.
So, there is this fairly clever guide that walks us all through the various things that will get one killed by God in a number of different religions. Being a devout Christian I read it and chuckled at many of the entries and the wildness of it all. And then I noticed something... It's completely and totally wrong.
The Great American Ennui - I'll come in again. Robin Williams.
I've been thinking about him, his death, and this issue since I inadvertently Chromecast his suicide into my living room a week or so ago. Remove the celebrity from this situation - which is obviously impossible to do - and there will be around 40,000 others that will erase themselves from the map over the course of 2014. De-mapping now accounts for more deaths than does car accidents, which is somewhere in the 32k range +/-.
Did Jesus Say He Is God?
The Bible Experiment Exodus
An Argument For Inargubility
Starting the adventure of adopting a child from Haiti... join us as we walk down this road together.
Are you interested in the mysteries of the universe? Learn what they actually are as we dig deep into the realities of the mysteries of the universe.
Who was the author of Hebrews? No one really knows. But was Priscilla the author of Hebrews? It may have been. She was famous in the early church...