Upcoming New Movie Midnight Special Trailer I have really come to enjoy movies that really make the audience think. That...
Yeah, two really crazy pieces of Christopher Nolan news all in one long winded post. Pretty amazing really.
Mini Metro is a very clever PC & Mac game available via Steam. Provides simple game play, with mounting complexity. Great game.
This time we mix a little Samuel Jackson in with our Bible reading... oh, and some Jonathan Edwards too. Not sure which guy is scarier...
Flying Man Short Movie Purchased by Sony Short movie makers need to be greenlit for more full length movies. Just...
Some artists are so sublime and so magical in their craft that they defy explanation. Mark Demsteader is one of those artists, and he has new paintings..
Yet again, I somehow convince Ben Butler, someone way way cooler than myself, to talk to me about his amazing work and fantastic art.
Movie Uncanny Reviewed and Explained. Uncanny is one of those exceptional low budget movies I kill for. Very very intelligent, and a really fantastic inside out premise. Definitely a must see.
2nd Annual Christmast Gifts for Geeks Hahaha, I never do anything annually. On this blog, I don’t plan. On this...
These guys are good. Lot’s of variations on the six or nine pin quick pass juggling. Really love watching...
Totally stoked to learn just how enormous the list of actors will be for Shane Carruth's The Modern Ocean. Finally, Carruth gets the Hollywood love that he deserves.
I really am done with the "Luke is missing" conversation. That's obviously the whole point. Regardless, I decided to make him a poster of his very own.
Here Come the Star Wars Ads and Fan Lightsaber Fun And man, are they a thing of beauty. Here watch:...
Facing our Mortality via Star Wars You literally won’t understand a word I am saying in this post, unless you...
Lamentations is not about Jeremiah mourning for Israel. It's about God mourning for your wandering away from your first love...