THinc. interviews the new cutting edge artist behind the #modelanimal hash tag blowing up the internet. Come learn more about this enigmatic artist!
Michael Murphy is an artist that is constantly thinking so far out of the box that it's difficult to even consider there ever was a box to be in.
Nietzsche’s Voice, Back From the Dead Sometimes technology completely flipping freaks me out. Like full case of the heebs and...
The Tenderloin is a wasteland of moral apathy and chaos. Enter Ana, and hear her story about her youth and her eventual first steps out of the Tenderloin.
Entirety of Atlantic Slave Trade In 2 Minutes Its rare that information completely transforms the way you think about something....
Where has the passion, emotion and dedication gone in the world today? No idea, but there could be a fix found in Song of Solomon.
I just pushed all my Oscar chips in behind The Revenant. Done. Don't even think we need to do the vote. The Revenant is going to clean house.
I have been thinking about this list, and searching for these movies for close to 2 or 3 years. I've interviewed directors, dug deeply into movies I'd never heard of... I worked hard to pull this list together.
Wherein I wax eloquently about urban decay, illegal entry, and oh by the way interview an amazing photographer about his work.
This video will make you ponder your place in the universe. It did that for me anyway. And I was also lucky enough to get to chat with Wylie Overstreet about it as well. If you ever wanted to see an Atheist and a Christian tear each other apart, this wouldn't be that opportunity.
Wherein I loose track of time watching actors perform shakespearian pieces that don't actually exist.
There is a new liquid clock in development that looks all kinds of crazy cool. Just super enamored with the design and crafting workflow of these types of projects.
Ecclesiastes is a head job of a book - and can be a downer, if you are chasing after all the wrong things. But he also encourages us to draw closer to God.
The Story of Markus Persson and What it Tells Us About Life Occasionally the glass ceiling of wealth will shatter,...
Apparently Im a bit of a prig when it comes to movies. Sure I like Transformers. But experimental movies work...