So I caught wind that there was a new short called Everything & Everything & Everything and um... Carruth is in it. After falling on the floor, and self-administering an intracardiac injection of epinephrine... I literally emailed everyone in Hollywood associated with the movie I could get my hands on. (I seriously did. I'm sure I'm now on all of the major motion picture house's spam blockers. I kid you not.)
The game Portal is simply the best video game ever. Yeah, I know. Big words. Actually, check that. Portal 2 is the greatest video game of all time. Bar none. But without Portal 1 there is not Portal 2... so they are basically intertwined in my mind. But its funny that a game without a proper gun (a gun with bullets mind you) could be the best of anything.
Real Life Up Balloon Launch via Rockstar - Urban Legends abound about the guy who fastened a million helium balloons to a lawn chair and escaped orbit. He brought a bb gun along in order to slow his ascent and bring him back to earth safely.
Magical Jellyfish Photos From the Deep -
Wow. Merry Christmas everyone. This video quite literally blew my mind. So the next time you are stopped at a light and you are running the tape in your head that says that all homeless people spend your money on booze and drugs - remember this video.
A Truly Funny SNL Skit - I have a friend at work who has taken it upon himself to find an SNL sketch that I will laugh at. (Not laugh AT, I do that often enough, laugh with.) I just don't think they are funny.
Carnivorous Plants In All their Stop Motion Glory - There is something ridiculously oh, I don't know... awesome? about the crazy and obscure things this world has to offer. For example piranha. Piranha are, without a doubt awesome. When I was in high school I raised two red belly piranha from the sizes of quarters to the size of a CD 3 inches thick.
There is something delicious about these dark photographs of flowers. The deep dark contrasting colors help pop the details we don't normally see somehow. They are striking. Very striking. I'm diggin' on 'em anyway. Kudos to you Bettina.
Greatest Use Of Photoshop Ever
With iOS 8 we are now finally allowed to add our own keyboards to our iPhones and iPads. The Android world has been jam-packed with custom third party keyboards for years now, but this is a new and big deal in the Apple universe.
Historical White Christmas Probabilities
What Color Is It Now Hex Clock Brilliance - My favorite color is #6e7ca0. But I'm fairly partial to #7c878e as well. In the world of the web, hex values are how designers work colors.
Best Theories Explaining Season One Serial Podcast - Walk with me as we investigate the best theories attempting explain the various theories in and around the Serial Podcast season One. I definitely went overboard on this particular post... hahah!
How Serial's Last Episode is going to end... heheh. Which is really quite funny, because I have a 5,000 word discussion about the final show already written and in the can. So while this is funny. It really is exactly how the final show is definitely going to go. Guarantee it.