Let Me Explain Why Bushwick is Low Budget Mayhem Brilliance - or how much I absolutely adore this run and gun secessionist movie out of Brooklyn
The Music of Chance Explained in Full - or how a movie made in the 90's illuminates our current chaotic political and spiritual world extraordinarily well.
Hitman's Bodyguard Is The Most See GMN Movie of the Year - or why this movie's laughter is way better for your body than an enema even.
What happened to Monday movie explanation for those who watched the film and said, 'What the heck just happened?" because it can be a little hard to follow.
6 Days Movie Review Discussion and Explanation - or how even though the movie doesn't swing for the fence, it is still an enjoyable double.
The Dumpster Fire That Is The Dark Tower Movie - or how a large swatch of my life just got the reader's digest treatment in the worst possible way.
Escape from Syria: Rania's Odyssey Youtube Video - or how you can learn more about the plight of the refugees in Syria in less than 20 minutes. Yer welcome.
Let Me Explain Why Icarus Documentary Will Blow Your Mind and why Icarus will win for best documentary at the Oscars. It is a fabulous mind blowing film.
Oh this? This is nothing... just the start of your weekend plans.
Carrey Shows Us Just How Much We All Need Color - or how a comedian takes a turn at the more contemplative arts and hits a few clear out of the park.
Have You Seen Hell or High Water Yet? It's a fantastic movie from the writer of Sicario. A fantastic film with elusive intent and ideas worth discussing.
Atomic Blonde Twist Explanations and Discussion - Atomic Blonde looks amazing but also has a fantastic brain going for it as well. Definitely a blast to watch, but pay attention or you'll miss it.
The Wall is a Fantastic Psychological Cat and Mouse Movie - or how a movie with three actors and very little else can be the most riveting thing ever
Scrapped: the deadly business of dismantling ships in Bangladesh - or how you can impact someone else today that is in desperate need of help.
I Am Not Your Negro Movie Review - or how a lame white guy realized what racism really was while in the cradle of the creation of slavery.