The Girl With All The Gifts is a cleverly insightful, inside out Zombie movie that avoids playing to the standard tropes or predefined assumptions.
Veela My Enemy Musak - or how I am proving to you that I share with you more than you share with me. What is up with that really? I mean. Kind much?
La La Land Movie Review and Ending Explained - or wherein I use other people's confusion as an excuse to bring you one of my favorite movies of the new year so far. Cough.
Happy New Years Public Service Announcement - where I look back and wax eloquent about the year behind us. Yeah, I know... sorry in advance!
Top 20 THinc Movie Posts Of the Year - wherein I look at some analytics data and make yet another end of year list we all hate so much.
All the Passengers Movie McGuffins and Moral Delimmas Explained - or where I blow off some serious steam here in a second. You should probably bring your hard hat in with you... just saying.
The OA Season 1 Theories and Details Explained - wherein I finally recap the theories that sum up and coalesce the entire season into a logical Antipodal Dialectic. (No really, I say that. How can you not read it?)
Thoughts on the Death of a Princess - and rememberances of her effect on a young boy
Nocturnal Animals Completely Explained and Dissected - or how we can learn a decidedly good message from this decidedly dark film.
Bible experiment John - or how it is that we have received the greatest Christmas gift ever...
Alien: Covenant Trailer - and why I am so excited to be scared out my mind by this series all over again.
Find My Phone Short Movie Interview with Anthony van der Meer - a movie about our phones, our security, our privacy, our digital lives that are ripe for the picking.
The OA Episode 8 Theories and Explanations - wherein I have a hard time keeping my jaw off the floor as I watch yet another amazing episode of this fantastic new Netflix show.
The OA Episode 7 Theories and Explanations - wherein I have a hard time keeping my jaw off the floor as I watch yet another amazing episode of this fantastic new Netflix show.
The OA Episode 6 Theories and Explanations - wherein I discuss purple goo, cops with guns, mentors and inter-dimensional time travel and the like all in the service of trying to understand episode 6 of The OA