Westworld Season 1 Episode 4 Walkthrough and Explanation - or how my obsession with Westworld has only intensified even more since episode number 1.
McMansion Hell Goodness I’m not a huge sharer of websites. Seems like such a 1999 thing to do. But sometimes...
I Promise That These Guys From Pixar Just Won an Oscar Oh my gosh. I just called LOCK on the...
Bible Experiment Matthew and the New Testament - wherein the Bible tells you plainly and explicitly how to fill that enormous God shaped hole in your chest.
Peaky Blinders is your new favorite television show - and if you already knew about it, well, then you are fired as my friend.
Westworld Season 1 Episode 3 Walkthrough and Explanation - or how I nearly passed out when I heard Anthony Hopkins discussing Bicameralism and the origins of consciousness.
Donald Trump has given me the frontal lobotomy necessary to see the GOP for what it really has become. I'm done.
Black Mirror Season 3 Out October 21 - or how I just made your TV year.
Westworld Season 1 Episode 2 Walkthrough and Explanation - wherein westworld goes deeper into the rabbithole of Jonathan and Joy Nolan's new HBO TV series.
Who Said Trump Has No Skills? And yeah... sorry for stooping so low as this. But come on... this is brilliant.
Westworld Season 1 Episode 1 Walkthrough and Explanation - wherein I completely go overboard thinking, talking, and pontificating about a single episode of Television. Intervention anyone?
Blue Man Group Takes Over the NPR Tiny Desk I AM THE BEST AT BEING RELAXED!!!!! If you have never...
Short Movie None by Ash Thorp - nothing to see here. Just three minutes of amazing is all.
Who Knew Mario Was The Saddest Thing Ever
Interview with The Invitation Movie screenplay author Phil Hay wherein I ask some fantastic spoiler questions and Phil is good enough to talk through each one honestly and candidly!