Oscar Hopes and Predictions 2017 - wherein I show you just how cleverly biased my Oscar picks are and generally crash and burn. But boy is it a fun ride!
New FX Show Taboo Episode 2 Discussed and Explained - or basically how I've fallen in love with yet another television show out of the blue. Tom Hardy is brilliant in this new television show.
TV Show 3 Percent Episode 3 Explained and Discussed - you really should be watching a show made in Brazil even though you don't speak Portuguese. Promise.
The Discovery new movie on Netflix Just Won and it isn't even out yet. Can't even tell you how awesome this thing is going to be! Cannot wait.
TV Show 3 Percent Episode 2 Explained and Discussed - you really should be watching a show made in Brazil even though you don't speak Portuguese. Promise.
Ken Burns and Trent Reznor Partner on Vietnam Biopic - or how the to most perfect people in the entire world are working together and releasing an amazing project in September.
New FX Show Taboo Episode 2 Discussed and Explained - or basically how I've fallen in love with yet another television show out of the blue. Tom Hardy is brilliant in this new television show.
Interview with Mike Carey Writer and Creator of Girl With All the Gifts - Or how I wish, oh how I wish I was mike Carey right now. So badly!!
New Netflix TV Show 3 Percent Explained and Discussed - you really should be watching a show made in Brazil even though you don't speak Portuguese. Promise.
PBS Command and Control Is Documentary Armaggedon Goodness - or, how we, through our own stupidity, almost accidentally blew up a large swath of Arkansas and the south. This is an amazing must see documentary.
Operation Avalanche Dissected Explained Discussed - wherein we talk through the details and the convoluted nature of this film... because we can! I adored this movie.
New FX Show Taboo Episode 1 Discussed and Explained - or basically how I've fallen in love with yet another television show out of the blue. Tom Hardy is brilliant in this new television show.
The Handmaiden's Tale is Now Added to Your Much Watch List - because if any show is going to tell us how to navigate Trump's presidency, this is it.
The Girl With All The Gifts is a cleverly insightful, inside out Zombie movie that avoids playing to the standard tropes or predefined assumptions.
La La Land Movie Review and Ending Explained - or wherein I use other people's confusion as an excuse to bring you one of my favorite movies of the new year so far. Cough.