Westworld Season 1 Episode 5 Walkthrough and Explanation - or how my obsession with Westworld has only intensified even more since episode number 1.
What Are Your Favorite Halloween Movies and Books? Or, how I found a foreign film that was really worthy of a Halloween movie title.
Black Mirror Nosedive Explanation and Walkthrough or how I watched the entirety of our online culture completely decay and die right before my eyes.
Westworld Season 1 Episode 4 Walkthrough and Explanation - or how my obsession with Westworld has only intensified even more since episode number 1.
I Promise That These Guys From Pixar Just Won an Oscar Oh my gosh. I just called LOCK on the...
Peaky Blinders is your new favorite television show - and if you already knew about it, well, then you are fired as my friend.
Westworld Season 1 Episode 3 Walkthrough and Explanation - or how I nearly passed out when I heard Anthony Hopkins discussing Bicameralism and the origins of consciousness.
Black Mirror Season 3 Out October 21 - or how I just made your TV year.
Westworld Season 1 Episode 2 Walkthrough and Explanation - wherein westworld goes deeper into the rabbithole of Jonathan and Joy Nolan's new HBO TV series.
Westworld Season 1 Episode 1 Walkthrough and Explanation - wherein I completely go overboard thinking, talking, and pontificating about a single episode of Television. Intervention anyone?
Short Movie None by Ash Thorp - nothing to see here. Just three minutes of amazing is all.
Interview with The Invitation Movie screenplay author Phil Hay wherein I ask some fantastic spoiler questions and Phil is good enough to talk through each one honestly and candidly!
ARQ Movie Reviewed Explained and Discussed - or how I fell in love with this awesome little time traveler movie and how you will too.
Last Days In The Desert Movie Investigated and Explained - wherein I grapple with Rodrigo's intentions and try and understand it.
The Invitation Movie Discussed with Phil Hay and Explained - where in I tease you with an interview and don't actually deliver ... yet. But, there is so much to discuss and unpack. It really isn't my fault!