Safety Not Guaranteed And My New Bromance I have long loved independent theater. (Theatre?) What have you. Low budget, clever...
"The past, is written in books... the books that survive. This is the truth that has made us Kings. We trust that our memories are real. That our pictures speak a thousand words. And what they say will be the truth. We trust that when people say they love us, they mean it. Not just in their heads, but in their hearts."
A Complete Clouds of Sils Maria Explanation and Walkthrough. Quite possibly one of the greatest mindjob flicks I've watched in the past 10 years. What is happening here? Let's talk about it.
Never in a million years would you let someone suffer. That's why you'd you'd consider taking a homeless youth in. Just until they'r back on their feet. People who give up their spare room come from all walks of life and don't need some kind of special training. Just a heart that's in the right place.
Jaw dropping Leviathan Pitch Short from Ruairi Robinson hahah. You owe me so flipping big right now. You know why?...
Three completely underrated movies you should watch now Sometimes the court of public opinion just is wrong. I’m not talking...
Holy crap - there are some really amazing movie developers hiding under rocks and in desperate need of attention! This little movie is so rich with back story and latent ideas that I don't even know where to start. This movie was obviously pulled together by some really fantastic special effects mavens.
The episodes will begin shooting this summer, but it is unclear when Fox is planning to air them. Can't imagine they would be ready for the Fall season? But it could be with only six episodes getting filmed that they will push them to the fall? Makes sense to me anyway. But I wonder if fan reception will be such that they will sign on for more episodes?
New Interstellar Text Twine Game Yesterday I finally got off my butt and published my long overdue Interstellar movie review....
Oh I know there are weaknesses in this theory. But when you point them out, my answer is invariably going to be, explain to me your theory, and how it has fewer gaping holes in it than mine? Hahah. No, seriously, I've been struggling with this damn movie since I first walked out of the theater. Normally I crank a movie review the night after I see it. But this one wasn't like that at all. I struggled and struggled and struggled with it until I decided my first thought in the movie theater was all that was left.
This is an amazingly well conceived and executed short film, with a great idea, and stupendous ending. I didn't think animated films were even morally capable of this sort of an ending.
Lately I've taken a shining to short films. I love the big ideas of them wrapped in bitesized packages. They've really been fun to dig into and digest.
The only other news I have on the movie front? Oh just a little thing. Apparently Harrison Ford has just signed on for the sequel of Blade Runner. Yeah, that's right. Decker is coming back.
The concept is another space time travel idea, but this time the story deals with salvation and intervention in the face of impending and inevitable doom. Record/Play manages to touch on so many rich concepts and ideas so quickly that I hope that Aaron Wolfe and Jesse Atlas are able to see some of their ideas make it to the big screen some day soon.
When I first watched TimeCrimes, I was struggling to understand if the TimeCrimes time travel system was deterministic or if time could actually change as the movie moved forward. A lot of this confusion centered around the young woman... who she was, how many times did she die? Did she die at all? Was Hector's wife killed and then saved? Was she killed at all? Etc. I also wasn't sure how the time machine worked. But seeing as though this was the first time that a "vertibrate had entered" the machine, they didn't understand it either.