The Saddest Most Lethal Sniper Ever – American Sniper Movie Chris Kyle was the deadliest sniper ever to serve for...
A Bit of the Holy in the Mundane - I've always been interested in finding a sense of the holy in the mundane. Brennan Manning in his book Ragamuffin Gospel talks about a friend that was struck by the holy in his reading of the book Watership Down. I personally have friends that tell stories about having encounters with angels while having tea. I have had similar responses to the American Beauty of the plastic bag circling in the wind. But probably the holiest of holy moments of my life was an 18-20 foot flight off my roof. And what not and the like.
Christopher Nolan Interstellar Movie Theories - join us as we discuss some theories about what Interstellar will be all about. We will discuss everything from life rafts, time travel and wormhole decoherence craziness. Bring your theories to the table too!
In Praise of Coherence or Decoherence - One of the best indie mindjob movies I've ever reviewed. Hands down.
The Signal Movie Explained
Wherein I discuss Shakespearian pronunciations, the Globe theater, and most importantly the conspiracy theory that is Shakespeare. The only single line of logic holding this entire post together is "Shakespeare" the myth himself.
T.S. Abe Animation Cleverness - T.S. Abe is a UK based fashion designer and illustrator. She created this awesome self-portrait animation from a series of 15 fantastic portrait sketches. Apparently this is the first of an entire series of portrait animations that T.S. plans to draw. I recently fell in love with her work out on her tumblr, which you can fall in love with too...
Modern Console Gaming Destiny - if Destiny is the future of not only gaming, but entertainment in general, what can we expect? If you are playing a single player game... the first thing you can expect is that other guys will be shooting at your bad guys. Wha? Yeah, I accidentally teamed up with a couple players last night, and we pushed through the bad guys together. Normally the levels are built to handle around three players a piece. Right? So each level, the complexity and difficult of the levels are ranked for a cooperative of three people to play them together. But if you are running solo, you will just naturally find that there will be others on your board at the same time. Which changes your game play immediately. I never said hello. I never talked to them. And yet we both started running through the same valley to hit the target together.
John Oliver My New Favorite Thing Ever - This is will be difficult to drive home correctly. With the right intensity and perspective. How to amp this at the right level. I need a volume 11 for this post. WHICH I GUESS I COULD DO IN ALL CAPS. But I don't know if even that will drive the correct insight to what I am wanting to say here. So, with that in mind. I'm going to say it slowly. And precisely. John Oliver. Is my new. Favorite thing. Ever.
So if there are legal world wide distribution issues, and damage to the negative issues... what's a fan to do? Create Your Own, Apparently. And that is what one fan has done. I have it on good authority, let's call this authority "A FRIEND OF MINE", that not only is this "Despecialized" version is a possibility, it is in fact a reality.
Doodling is a Morning Shower Equivalent - A week or two ago I spent tons of hours in phone interviews and while deep in conversation I found myself doodling. And yet, hiring employees is THE MOST important thing I do at work. Literally nothing that I do is more important. Its just the most synergistically enabling thing possible right? But if I hire the wrong person - it could be the entropy enabling thing that I could do, right?
Random Thoughts On the Gone Girl Movie - Random Thoughts On the Gone Girl Movie - The latest Gone Girl trailer and the resultant churn around it has been really fascinating to me. "OH MY GOSH - Did Ben Affleck's new role kill his wife?!", "He's being investigated for murder?!", "Why'd he take this role?", "Should I read the book and ruin the movie?", "I can't wait!". Etc, etc. Really makes me chuckle. What they don't realize is that Gillian Flynn re-wrote a different ending from the book for the screenplay. Did you catch that? The movie ends differently than the book. Hard stop. For those of you who haven't read the book... that is the end of this blog post for you. Thanks for swinging by. I'm diving into spoilers for you - ie, I'm going down a layer. Go away already.
Ridley Scott The Martian Blade Runner 2 and Prometheus 2 - But now Ridley has his hands full with three new enormous movies under his purview. The are two that I am incredibly excited about. The first one (not in any particular order) is The Martian. The Martian is a brilliant Robinson Crusoe type of story with a man that is accidentally abandoned on Mars by himself. The book was written by Andy Weir. The Martian was unlike any book I had ever read before. I kept expecting it to be something completely different than it was. And it continued to surprise me time after time. Just a fantastic and clever book end to end.
Automata Movie Dystopian Glory - Automata totally looks like an even better Blade Runner dystopia than Blade Runner 2 could ever be. It looks really tight. Very interested. And the plot looks fantastic as well. Not sure about having Puss and Boots, Antonio Banderas play the lead. But he used to be a huge box draw. No? Eh. What worries me though is Melanie Griffith. Did you see her in that trailer? Oh my holy botox backlash Batman. What went wrong there? Sheesh. Eventually actors and actresses are going to realize that its just better to sag than stay frightfully and unnaturally taught their entire lives. Just say no to cosmetic surgery folks.
Banksy In New York Book Available - “Banksy in New York” by writer and photographer Ray Mock is the ultimate companion to Banksy’s month-long project on the streets of New York in October, 2013.