The Great American Ennui - I'll come in again. Robin Williams.
I've been thinking about him, his death, and this issue since I inadvertently Chromecast his suicide into my living room a week or so ago. Remove the celebrity from this situation - which is obviously impossible to do - and there will be around 40,000 others that will erase themselves from the map over the course of 2014. De-mapping now accounts for more deaths than does car accidents, which is somewhere in the 32k range +/-.
The Death of the American Pantheon - Growing up, I fell in love with comic books as most American teenage males did. I was a pretty big Batman fan. No, that didn't come out right. I was an amazingly out of control Batman fan. I walked side by side with Bruce as The Joker emptied Arkham and Bane broke his back. I was there as Robin died. As a new Robin was recruited and died again. I saw as the books turned darker and darker... the epitome of noir. And watched as the comic printing presses just pumped more and more books into an already over saturated market. I'll get back to that point in a moment.
Get The Bird Box Scared Out Of You - Occasionally you find a book that you dig and so you tell a few people about it. Right? And then you forget that you've even read them. And when people ask whether they should read it you say... yeah, sure. It's good. But whatever you are reading right now instantly over rights that particular recommendation. MOST books are kinda like that. Right? They are good. You enjoy them... but when they are gone they lose some of that intensity.
Paper Laser Cutting Magic Take some high quality stock paper. Add an expensive laser cutting machine. And then add a...
The Heart of a Comet Revealed - Pardon me, but this news is just not getting nearly enough coverage. The European Space Agency has just completed a momentous achievement. Rosetta, ESA's spacecraft/probe has now become the very first probe to orbit a comet. As Rosetta approached the (terribly named comet - Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko - I say we rename it to the more aptly named - 'Wobbling Duck') comet it became clear that there are two main sections connected by a neck that holds it together.
Conclusive Proof Facebook Doesn't Delete Your Deleted Account Data - I guarantee you, in no uncertain terms... that when you delete your account Facebook definitely does not delete your information. There aren't even TRYING to hide the fact that they know you intimately still...
Text Based Games The New Rage
Ever wondered what its like to be a firework, and what a firework sees? Well here you go! Happy fourth everyone. Stay safe and try not to detach any body parts playing with fireworks!
Kumi Yamashita Amazing Shadow Art
Americans Don't Get the World Cup - Americans just don't get what being fanatical about a sport even looks like. No. We just don't. When I moved to England for a bit I experienced a whole lot of amazingness that I just didn't have context for coming from America. Zero.
For example, watching the winter Olympics with students from fifty different nations? The Brits were calling the French, Frogs and the Norwegians were calling the Brits pacifists, and the Brits were calling the Norwegians Whale Killers... it got intense up in there real fast. I remember walking out to go get something to eat with an ex-member of the IRA after watching some Olympics. And we were joined by a member of the police that hunt the IRA. Seriously. And they both had me check under the car for bombs. HAHAH. What does one look for when looking under a car for bombs? Needless to say after I checked, they both checked.
Your Life in Weeks - So a month or so ago I tripped across a fantastic post over at waitbutwhy, about an exercise that I really liked. Here's the quick and dirty explanation. Create a drawing with a box on it. That box represents a week. Now, multiply that box 52 weeks for all the weeks in a year. After you have done that, duplicate the row of 52 boxes 90 times and now you have a long life detailed in weeks. Over at Waitbutwhy they then began playing with the blocks in different ways and showing various types of data. My favorite view was their view of a life in averages.
Family Circus Meets Nietzsche - But some things are just extraordinary together. Like um, Bacon and - well... anything really. Seriously though, I just saw a site that takes random Family Circus comic images and combines them with random quotes from Nietzsche. Which I think is so mind-breakingly brilliant I have no words. If you'd like to experience them yourself feel free to trip over to Nietzsche Family Circus. I have posted three random choices below. I continue to smack the refresh button though on the site in hopes of finding ANYTHING AT ALL about the ubermesch. I mean, if I find one... I will be blowing it up wall sized and posting it in my office!
When Robbed What Would You Do?
You Shall Know Our Velocity Eggers and Radcliffe -
Now the bigger question is, will Radcliffe pull this thing off, or will he wash out? But lately Radcliffe has taken it upon himself to become the literary go to within Hollywood. Obviously Radcliffe played the Mr. Potter in one of the biggest selling book movie productions of all time. What you may not know is that he also played starring roles in the 2007 "December Boys," based on an Australian book, a 2012 British horror movie based on the novel "The Woman in Black," and last year's "Kill Your Darlings," in which he starred as poet Allen Ginsberg. Next year, Radcliffe will play Igor in a new version of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein." So hopefully he has learned enough to carry this movie.
The Edge of Tomorrow (Live Die Repeat) Time Travel and Ending Explained - the concept is simple, but in practice it is truly complex. The Edge of Tomorrow is a time travel nightmare of nests and perpetual loops that cause one's head to explode if you think about it too long. Join us as we untangle the Tom Cruise's latest blockbuster movie and we explain the definitive unraveling of this fantastic movie.