There was this one time... right? My girlfriend and I were walking through Hyde Park in London when a very friendly squirrel came up. Me, thinking, its Hyde Park of all places. London! Figured everything here was friendly.
Jenni Baker is doing eraser poetry on every single page of Infinite Jest. Now, admittedly, I am not a poetry nut. I love me some T.S. Elliot (Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock is my Infinite Jest equivalent in the poetry world) and possibly some E.E. Cummings. Obviously I dig Shakespeare at a level that is probably just really unhealthy. But outside of that, I'm a bit at a loss when it comes to good or bad poetry. What do I know?
Books We Love decided that we would highlight some of the best books of the year and proclaim a winner for the best book of all of 2013. Tall order, but that's how we roll around here at Books We Love. So without further delay... let us commence with a review of the literary highlights of 2013:
Christopher Nolan – New Movie Interstellar I’ve been aware that Christopher Nolan’s New Movie Interstellar was on its way for...
Jesse Eisenberg and Jason Segel to star in David Foster Wallace Movie
Let Me Tell You A Punked Up Story I’ve been waiting YEARS to tell this story… because it was just...
Aurora Australis The Greatest Light Show Canvas Ever I think the word Marvelous was made for this shot. And...
Thomas Kincade and Star Wars Equals Magic
Books We Love December 2013 - We've arrived. The end of a year of book reviews. We promised ourselves that we would do a solid year and we've made it! This has definitely been a trying road seeing as though it has been the least popular post(s) we have ever done. Since creating our first "Books We Love" book list we have had 369 people read them. But I will give you a bit of credit because you've averaged just over five minutes on each post, so there is that. I hear some of you saying, 369?!? That's great!
A Review of Dave Eggers The Circle I always knew there were reasons why I wasn’t a huge fan of...
iPad Air Review For Normal People I’m not an engadget or a tech gadget blog – so I am really...
An Argument For Inargubility
Glitches – Free Online Serial Novel - Ben is a young man on the verge of getting engaged. Ben is also a young man on the verge of committing suicide. Until Ben discovers that he can Glitch that is. By Glitching Ben is capable of stopping time, for everyone except himself that is. Ben begins to learn he has enormous hidden capabilities locked within himself. And apparently there a number of individuals who have been watching Ben for this very capability for a long, long time.
It is a story cut from the cloth of Red Wall, and the Chronicles of Narnia with harrowing adventure at every turn. Chat will face cunning riddles, and clever puzzles in order to stay one step ahead of both Kings who now find him and his friends a threat to their sovereignty on the island. But will he discover the Pendant's location in time to even make a difference?
Alright, you get the idea. This wasn't a movie. It was an event. The story maybe stretched it a teensy bit in stringing one chaotic event after another but, dang. To put this in perspective... the opening shot is 13 minutes long. THIRTEEN MINUTES without a cut.