“Do not …. snnnt-snap… hang up. I … something impor—-nt… to tell you”, the distant voice on the phone said....
Conversation with String Artist Petros Vrellis - wherein Petros and I discuss his innovative and creative way of looking at the art of El Greco through the most amazing weavings I've ever seen.
Ghostbusters Was Roundly Despised Despite Its Hilarity, which is fascinating because it's a level of willfull myopia that is beyond the pale.
Petros Vrellis and His String Renaissance Portraits are beyond amazing. Like robot good. Wait, what? Can this still be art if artificial intelligence and algorithms are involved? Let's find out together.
Bible Experiment Haggai - wherein I finally complete the path followed by my predecessor and respond to some of his fiercest objections.
Loris Cecchini's Gorgeous Wall Sculpture Extrusions - and how I now want to find a way to bring these amazing sonic sculptures to Etsy as quickly as humanly possible.
Are the Duffer Brothers 9Mother9Horse9Eyes9 and the author of the Interface Series? I'll walk you through my argument as to why I think it is...
Zero Days Documentary Is a Mind Job Of The Best Kind because while much of the movie is known, what isn't will completely unravel you wholly and completely.
A Walk Among Giants - and my realization that my life on earth is meant for so much more...
Bible Experiment Habakkuk is another post wherein I read a book of the Bible and then talk about it for a 1,000 words and blow my mind in the process.
London Installation of Gravity Defying Shoes by Pejac - which are mindblowing, gravity defying installations that you have to see to believe.
Gorgeous Unity Adam Demo Is Amazing - a realtime rendered video created by the Unity team telling a story that seems fully fleshed out and legit.
An Open Letter To Bungie From a Middle Aged Destiny Gamer - or, why Bungie should be forced to listen to us older gamers, and either reform the game from the inside out, or allow us to never have to play with a 12 year old again.
The Interface Series Is My New Favorite "Book" - that seems generous seeing as though it's just a huge pile of comments on Reddit. But man, it's awesome.
Alice Through The Looking Glass Review and Explanation - because nothing in Wonderland makes sense in and of itself of course. Nothing!