Random Mind Blowing Science that leads me to eventually burn not only my house down, but yours, your neighbors, and your entire neighborhood's houses down.
A Murmuration As Art Installation
The Revolution Against Evolution - an interview with Michael Fischer, discussing evidence against evolution and the faith required to believe evolution in the first place.
Earth and Moon Caught In Single Photo From Mars This? Oh. This is nothing. Just a picture of the Earth,...
A Year Worth of Solar Flares - it amazes me that we are able to see these sorts of videos of the sun without so much as giving it a second thought.
Interview With Justin Schmidt And His Insect Pain Index, which is the only insect pain index that I know of... or guy dumb enough to create such a pain index!
Thoughts and Ponderings On Getting A Ninth Planet Back I just adore the majesty of astronomy. I love reading about...
X-files Trailer is All Kinds of X-Awesome Ok, that was X-Lame. But I’m a geek. I’m excited. You got the...
Nietzsche’s Voice, Back From the Dead Sometimes technology completely flipping freaks me out. Like full case of the heebs and...
This video will make you ponder your place in the universe. It did that for me anyway. And I was also lucky enough to get to chat with Wylie Overstreet about it as well. If you ever wanted to see an Atheist and a Christian tear each other apart, this wouldn't be that opportunity.
There is a new liquid clock in development that looks all kinds of crazy cool. Just super enamored with the design and crafting workflow of these types of projects.
Anyway, I'm just thinking aloud. Mainly interested about how movies persuade discussions, whole swaths of discussions, around a controversial, or undetermined point of topic. I really think that we are swayed by whole swaths of media technologies.
This? Oh Just Video of the Moon Transiting the Earth Holy CRAP this video sequence of the mooon transiting in...
What is revolutionary about this approach from Google is that it follows similar rules laid out by their search engine - which is model based, not rule based. To be algorithmic as opposed to being explicitly directed.
Happy leap second day. Heheh. No, seriously. Today, as we approach midnight, all the atomic clocks will instead add one extra second into the mix. Which will look more like, 23:59:59, 23:59:60, 00:00:00.